Hypocrisy, American style

If Democrats had their way, Americans would wear masks into the 22nd century.  During the pandemic, it became a regular occurrence for a mayor, governor, or health official who had mandated masks to be photographed partying without a face covering while the people serving food and drinks (often minorities) were forced to wear masks.  But after two wearisome years of "15 days to flatten the curve," Americans got tired of the hypocrisy of "rules for thee, but not for me."

Still, had it not been for Joe Biden's first State of the Union speech, Democrats might have continued with ridiculous mask mandates.  But the donkey party didn't want Joey squinting at the teleprompter with speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris sitting behind him wearing silly masks.  So, when Biden shuffled into the U.S. Capitol, probably thinking, "Where am I?," there were few masks in sight.

It's not just Democrats who are hypocrites.  Republicans play the hypocrisy game, too.  For example, the GOP wants us to believe that its members embrace Judeo-Christian conservative family values.  Really?

In late 2021, the Republican National Committee (RNC) announced its new "RNC Pride Coalition."  The same RNC that disappeared following the highly questionable results of the 2020 presidential election was now supporting a transgender lifestyle that many conservatives do not accept.  (Note to Donald Trump: Most MAGAs believe there are only two sexes, and they are determined at conception.)

By promoting the transgender agenda, the RNC is partly responsible for the ridiculousness of USA Today recognizing male Richard Levine as one of 2021's women of the year.  Now known as Rachel, Admiral Levine is the U.S. assistant secretary for health in the Biden administration.

Perhaps to make amends with the party's conservative base, in February, the RNC voted to censure Wyoming congresswoman Liz Cheney and Illinois congressman Adam Kinzinger for being part of Nancy Pelosi's January 6 clown show committee hearing.  RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel explained her position on various news shows and wrote an op-ed explaining why the RNC censured Cheney and Kinzinger.  Yada-yada-yada, the RNC still has its pride coalition.

Image by Andrea Widburg.

Hypocrisy is not just from the two major parties.  Members at the California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) club meetings might share that they detest Democrats who cancel someone who publicly expresses a view that differs from progressive doctrine.  Yet the CFRW bylaws below allow the organization to cancel members who differ from CFRW doctrine — e.g., the member who doesn't cooperate with the California Republican Party, fails to support the Republican ticket, or speaks disparagingly in public of any Republican or candidate.


The Objectives shall be to:

· Cooperate with the California Republican Party and the County Central Committees for the election of Republican nominees.


Section 4. Termination of membership may include failure to pay local club and CFRW dues; failure to support the Republican ticket; support of an opposition candidate; or working against the goals of CFRW and NFRW.

CFRW Article V BYLAW – Ethics

Section 4. It shall be considered a breach of ethics for a member to speak disparagingly in public of any Republican or candidate. (Emphasis mine.)

"Any" means any.  Does that include published letters to the editor, personal posts on Facebook pages, shared newsletters, comments said at meetings, or attending rallies for a Republican trying to "primary out" an incumbent Republican?  Were these bylaws enacted to protect RINOs?  During his "Save America" South Carolina rally, where thousands stood for hours in near-freezing temperatures to hear Donald Trump speak, our 45th president said:

But before we can defeat the Democrats, Socialists, and Communists at the ballot box this fall, we first have to defeat the RINOs and grandstanders in the primaries earlier this year. Those RINOs are no good. I don't know, in many ways they're as bad as the Democrats.

The hypocrisy goes beyond political parties and organizations.  There are frequent news stories about woke corporations firing or forcing out employees who post personal views on their social media pages that differ from the official C-suite dictum.  Recently, Former Levi's brand president Jennifer Sey repeatedly spoke out against draconian COVID restrictions in schools and was shown the door.  A 20-year employee who was on the way to a big promotion, Sey turned down a $1-million confidentiality agreement just to tell her story.

The worst example of hypocrisy is Big Tech (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.).  They will remove conservatives or Republicans from their social platform for posting what they deem hate speech.  Recently, Rep. Vicky Hartzler (Missouri's 4th Congressional District) had her private Twitter account frozen because she had the audacity to tweet, "Women's Sports are for Women, not men pretending to be women."

Yet these same progressive platforms allow terrorist nations, violent organizations, and brutal tyrannical leaders to remain online.  Is there anything more hypocritical than Twitter banning President Donald Trump but allowing Russian president Vladimir Putin?

Hypocrisy is part and parcel of the Democrat Party's appeal to its many ignorant Marxist supporters.  However, "America First" Republicans have had enough of it from elected officials and organization leadership.  The coming Red Wave is just the beginning.

Sydnee Pearl Michaels is a pseudonym.

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