Who believes in and follows the science?

After 150 years of an exponential rise in crude oil use from around zero barrels per day to 100 million barrels per day, we see many record lows and record snows

Thanks to a combination of dangerously low temperatures and bitter winds, bone-chilling weather has overtaken the Last Frontier this week.

Bettles, Alaska, located in the north-central part of the state, had a low temperature of 51 degrees below zero Fahrenheit Sunday morning, well below the average of 15 below zero F this time of year

Antarctica's last 6 months were the coldest on record

For the entire Antarctic continent, the winter of 2021 was the second-coldest on record, with the "temperature for June, July, and August 3.4 degrees Celsius (6.1 degrees Fahrenheit) lower than the 1981 to 2010 average

Record Snowfall: Sierra Nevada Has Already Seen 17 Feet Of Snow

A total of 202 inches of snow has been recorded by the Central Sierra Snow Laboratory – the most on record for December and the third-most snow in any month.

Boston ties 1-day snowfall record

No matter how many facts dispute the notion that fossil fuels cause warming, the media and other climate change pushers continue claiming the science is settled. 

It is pure arrogance for politicians, bureaucrats, and others to claim they can control the climate, disregarding that the climate has continually changed for billions of years, and even though people had nothing to do with creating any of the following:

  • The sun, moon, stars, and clouds
  • The Earth's orbit, its rotation, the distance from the sun, the temperature on the sun, or gravity
  • Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, helium, or any of the 94 natural elements
  • H20, water, CO1, Carbon Monoxide, CO2, Carbon dioxide a clear, non-pollutant gas, or CH4, Methane
  • Coal, Oil, gold, silver, lithium, cobalt, or any of the natural resources. 
  • Soil and its three natural nutrients, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus allow plants to thrive
  • Thunder, Lightning, rain, snow, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, high tide, low tide, El Nino, La Nina, or blizzards
  • The process where a tiny sperm and egg unite and in a few short months create a human with 300 bones at birth. That sperm and egg somehow also create 78 organs that allow the body to function including the heart, lungs, and brain. What a magnificent creation all life is. 
  • The millions of animal and plant species and all their natural processes.
  • The process where animals and humans breathe out CO2 that allows plants to thrive and the process where plants emit oxygen which helps humans and animals breathe and survive. 
  • Natural immunity

Isn't it amazing that an oil-eating microbe was created that lives off leaking oil in the bottom of oceans?

Oil-eating microbes have consumed a considerable portion of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Biden and other Democrats have a lot of trouble with various science subjects:


They advocate spending huge amounts of government funds, printing trillions of dollars, issuing massive amounts of regulations and advocating the destruction of the fossil fuel industry. Then they blame companies and others for high inflation.

They pass Obamacare that takes away freedom of choice on health care, adds many mandates, reduces competition, adds multiple taxes, and instead of prices dropping substantially, as they promised, they skyrocketed.

Pelosi lied the other day when she said low unemployment causes high inflation. During Trump’s years, we had record low unemployment and low inflation because of fewer regulations, lower tax rates, and energy independence.

Pelosi’s Strange Comments on Inflation

“And part of the consequences of all of that investment, the infrastructure bill and the rest, is that more people have jobs and, therefore, inflation goes up.”

Biden's solution to inflation caused by too much government is more government spending. Government is always the solution for leftists.

Biden’s inflation plan offers long-term solutions, but faces voters demanding action now

 Biden is now trying to remedy the situation with 72 distinct initiatives — everything from new rules for cell phone repairs to regulations on meatpacking to more merger reviews.


One doesn’t need a degree in criminology to understand that if you let career criminals remain on the street and don’t punish people for violating the laws, as many leftist prosecutors do, that crime will greatly increase. This seems to confuse many Democrats.


Walls at the border help control the influx of illegals, illegal drugs, gang members, and illegal guns but Democrats say walls don’t work, unless they are around the Capitol or their own house. Then they work.


Can't tell us if we need to wear a mask, or one or two masks to supposedly block a virus,

Can't tell us if we should stay three or six feet apart to supposedly beat a virus.

Can't tell us if a vaccine works or doesn't work against a virus but tells us we must take it, or two or three.

Hasn’t recognized natural immunity vs the vaccine. Anyone who doesn’t recognize natural immunity doesn’t believe in science.

Can't tell us the origin of the virus but don't seem to care.

Somehow, Democrats don’t seem to even know when human life begins.


Can't determine what gender people are or what pronoun to use.

Can't understand that biological males have a significant advantage over biological females in many sports and don't seem to care. I thought Democrats always wanted fairness.

Can't even figure out what gender was created to carry a baby and give birth. They use the term birthing people instead of mothers

Math & Statistics:

When taxes rise after rate cuts, Democrats are confused and say that the rate cuts cost trillions.

When states without masks do as well or better than states with masks, it shows statistically that masks aren’t a mitigating factor.  But most Democrats still say they work.

When fossil fuel use goes up exponentially, and other factors rapidly increase that we are told cause warming also rise rapidly, but temperatures fluctuate around a flat line, it shows there is no correlation between temperature and all the other variables, yet Democrats and others continue to mislead the public say that humans and fossil fuels cause global warming and climate change.

Statistical analysis of scientific data would show that if there is no correlation, there is no causation.

But these same people, who didn’t tell the truth about Obamacare, and can’t control inflation, the borders, crime, a virus, Russia, China, or Iran tell us that they can control temperatures, sea levels and storm activity forever, if we just give up our quality of life and hand them trillions of dollars. Why would anyone believe them?

Who believes in science? The people that truthfully say that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally or the people that continually seek to scare the public with made-up dire predictions, based on computer models that we only have a few years left to solve the problem. Why do journalists regurgitate the words "settled science" when the predictions have been completely wrong?

The choice gets easier every day: either vote for people that believe the people should have the power, money and freedom or for the people who want big government and an unconstitutional federal takeover of elections. These are the people that are supported by most journalists, most high-tech leaders, and convicted felon George Soros.

Anyone who says the science is settled is lying to intentionally mislead the public into submitting to the destruction of the fossil fuel industry and to government control of their lives.

Anyone who says that people who truthfully say that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally are climate change deniers is lying to mislead the public and to silence debate. They can't stand dissent.

When Fauci says anyone who disagrees with him doesn't believe in science, he is lying. It shows how dangerous, delusional, narcissistic, and ignorant he is. All the media outlets who continue to treat every comment of his as the scientific truth are complicit in spreading disinformation.

Indoctrination is dangerous. Children should be taught to do research and ask questions, not just repeat what they are told. 

Image credit: Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

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