The Deep State control of the education system

Progressive control of the U.S. educational system, operating secretly via entrenched bureaucrats and cooperating elected officials, has been exposed by incidents in Loudoun County, Virginia.  In other words, the Deep State rules the classrooms of America.

A major factor affecting the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election (and destined to affect the 2022 midterm elections) is the public's reaction to progressive control of the educational system.  This control had been successfully concealed by the major media until an incident at a Loudoun County school board meeting made national news.  At this June 22, 2021 school board meeting, parent Scott Smith was arrested.  

YouTube screen grab.

Smith was protesting the fact that his daughter had been raped in the girl's bathroom on May 28 by a "transgender" student.  School officials' first response was an attempt to cover up the incident.  School board member Beth Barts proclaimed, "Our students do not need to be protected, and they are not in danger."  Superintendent Scott Ziegler claimed: "To my knowledge, we don't have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms."

Ziegler, who is paid $295,000 a year, intentionally lied to the public about this incident.  In fact, he was the creator of one of the records covering the incident.  On the day of the attack, he wrote school board members a note entitled  "CONFIDENTIAL School Incident."  It stated, "This afternoon a female student alleged that a male student sexually assaulted her in the restroom."  When this lie was exposed, he responded, "I regret that my comments were misleading and I apologize for the distress that error caused families."  He added, "My heart aches for you and I am sorry that we failed to provide the safe, welcoming, and affirming environment that we aspire to provide."

In spite of his aching heart, Superintendent Ziegler has done his best to maintain the permissive status quo.  Assaults are handled "in house" unless, as was the case with Scott Smith, the police are involved.  Loudoun County Public Schools have not reported many incidents of sexual assault for several years.  This is a violation of state law.  Have they successfully covered up other sexual assaults?  When Michelle Mege, a mother in the district, wanted to search for school communications that used the words "sexual assault" or "rape" between May 1 and Oct. 18, 2021 she was informed that this Freedom of Information request would cost her $36,000.  There were reportedly 100,000 documents responsive to this request.  One hundred thousand documents dealing with sexual assault in a six-month period, and the man in charge purportedly knew nothing of this. 

As "punishment," the student involved in the attack was merely transferred to another school in the district.  Following his transfer, he pleaded "no contest" in a separate case to two charges of abduction and sexual battery at his new school, Broad Run High, on October 6.  In a sense, Ziegler is an accomplice to these sexual assaults.  He gave this child what the child must have considered a license to rape.  The child likely believed that if he was caught again, he would not suffer any real consequences.  He would merely be transferred.  

This may sound like an outrageous accusation; however, it is also the conclusion of Loudoun County sheriff Michael Chapman, who blamed Ziegler for enabling the Oct. 6 assault.  Chapman claimed that Ziegler knew about the May 28 incident and yet allowed the boy to remain in public schools.  

The Loudoun County school district is not an isolated example of educational corruption.  Pornographic literature (Out of DarknessGender Queer, and Lawn Boy) and pedophilia are being promoted throughout the nation.  Policies based on Critical Race Theory are also widespread.  

Transgenderism has major support from the U.S. government.  A 2016 "Dear Colleagues" letter from the Department of Education and Department of Justice advised schools to allow transgender student to shower with members of the opposite sex:

Restrooms and Locker Rooms.  A school may provide separate facilities on the basis of sex, but must allow transgender students access to such facilities consistent with their gender identity.

It might be assumed that this is primarily a problem in the larger metropolitan areas on the east and west coasts.  That would be incorrect.  The Deep State has infiltrated every state in the Union.  From ArizonaTexas, and Idaho to Rhode Island, the progressive agenda is being promoted.

John Dietrich is a freelance writer and the author of The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy (Algora Publishing).  He has a Master of Arts degree in international relations from St. Mary's University.  He is retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.  He is featured on the BBC's program "Things We Forgot to Remember."

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