The baseball COVID truth-o-meter

Let's time warp back to the pre-Fauci-cranial scramble — say, 2019.  Everyone knew that the flu goes away during summer.  The heat of summer chases it north.  Our bodies heat up to about 103 degrees to kill it.  And it can't transmit well in dry air.  Flu survives in the cool humidity of winter.  Winter is like walking around in a sneeze.

Even the 1918 Spanish flu went away in the summer.  It killed roughly 70 million people, about two hundred times more deadly than any flu since.  From the November 2017 issue of Smithsonian Magazine, we read this about that flu: "[b]y July ... [a] British medical journal stated flatly that the influenza 'has completely disappeared.'"

Fauci and the CDC knew this better than anyone.  So how were they going to prolong the "pandemic" through the summer?  By May, ostensibly because they knew that the flu was about to decline, the CDC decided to count deaths with other medical conditions as COVID deaths.  County medical clinics and the WHO complied in solidarity.  Then they began fabricating positive tests by bumping the PCR test to 40 cycles.

Near the end of summer, Rush Limbaugh announced that county medical clinics in Florida were reporting 95 to 100 percent positive tests (oh, that's right — Florida was a swing state).  The next day, the counties admitted to doing this, and one, in feeble self-defense, declared that the CDC had changed its numbers.  So how are we poor saps supposed to know the truth about the cases and testing?

There is a way: the (MLB) baseball truth-o-meter.  The "Latest MLB COVID-19 test results" from 9/25/20 reports that among their most recent week of 13,279 test samples, "There were 0 new positives among Major League players."  And they found no positive tests of players among the many thousand more tests "over the previous 26 days."

This includes testing in every major city that has a professional baseball team, including Toronto, and two teams in Florida.

Freddie Freeman was the only player who actually got sick.  Exactly like the previous year, remember?  Chris Sale had the flu and missed the first two weeks of the season.  Freddie had a 103-degree temperature and was back on the field in twelve days.

James T. Moodey is a retired entrepreneur and author.  His recent book, The Ladder Out of Poverty, successfully determined why the poverty rate has not declined since the Great Society promised to end poverty.

Image via Max Pixel.

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