Does America need Trump back in the White House?

Will we see a transition for Donald Trump back to the Oval Office?  I was recently asked: is "Trump is coming back" really a compelling topic at this point?  Considering the most recent events with Durham's filing, Ukraine unfolding, and the Democrat panic regarding the November midterms, what outcome can be considered a can't-miss reality?

Perhaps we might agree that these events would not have occurred had Trump been in the White House.  While most conservatives believe that "mistakes" are an everyday occurrence with Biden's puppeteers, I think what we're seeing is by design.  After all, we were told that Obama and his ilk were the smartest people in the room.  Surely, they would not be "hoodwinked" by the events that have crashed our economy, proliferated foreign policy disasters, spiked inflation, and failed to lower the sea levels.  Just ask the peppermint commie pontificating at the White House lectern — she will assert there are reasons why decisions calculated by those who must be obeyed are spinning out of control.  It's not their fault.

Assuming that Trump runs and becomes the nominee, what needs to be different?  What should he change if and when he returns?  Before he returns, what groundwork should be laid to ensure electoral success?  Truth Social debuted on Monday the 21st, captained by Devin Nunes.  Gone will be the censorship of Silicon Valley tech entities.  Permanent banning will not happen on Trump's social media platform.  How will our tech overlords react?  What can we expect of them?  How about the mainstream media?

What about electoral fraud?  How do we eliminate the conditions that allowed irregularities to fester in all of the six battleground states where Trump led prior to the stoppage of counting late in the night?  Massive numbers of poll-watchers are probably prudent, as we saw in Virginia's gubernatorial contest last November.  Of course, the faithful will turn out next time, and their numbers will not be easily intimidated by the usual Democrat suspects.  Cameras will need to be in abundance come the 2022 and 2024 elections.  Legal challenges to mail-in voting, drop-off ballot boxes, and voter ID need to be established as the law of the land.

The world has changed in rapid fashion with the absence of Donald Trump.  How many of us predicted what has transpired thus far under the O-Biden stewardship?  Some of us are not surprised, with the exception of how rapidly the excrement has hit the HVAC system, asphyxiating voters on both sides.  Just today, a barrel of Brent crude closed at $99.96.  A gallon of gasoline in my home state of California averages $4.75 today.  Real Clear Energy has the lowdown on energy costs now that Russia is sending peacekeepers into Eastern Ukraine, no doubt worried about U.S. sanctions there.

Do we need Donald Trump back in charge, making decisions again?  Of course we do.  Do we need to be energy independent again and stop buying Russian oil?  Surely.  Frack like crazy to drive down the cost of oil and demonetize Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela?  Right.

What about the swamp, starting with the Pentagon?  Are they working for us, protecting us, or are they worried about diversity, inclusion, and equity?  The FBI — are they straight-arrow rank-and-file employees or are they as self-serving as the Comeys and McCabes and Wrays?  Time to start with a fresh lineup.  We need a new skipper named Trump.  CIA, EPA, DoJ, IRS, etc., etc.  We need a clean-sheet restart.

Do we need to control our southern border?  Yes.  Finish the wall?  Yeah.  Control the recent crime allowed by the "defund the police" crowd?  Why not?  Return the law of the land to the average citizen?  We saw that back when Giuliani was mayor of New York, it worked out OK.  We even know how to do it; we just need to decide it's the right thing to do.

Is Trump irrelevant?  Is there a better person to challenge the left's notion of where our country needs to go?  Ron DeSantis is looking like the ideal successor to Trump's next four years because he's got experience in governance and he knows how to wield the levers of his office.  Anyone else out there who has governing experience with the ability to stand up to Democrat intransigence?  I'm not seeing a stand-out candidate.  I like a lot of the Freedom Caucus stalwarts, but there's a dearth of governing experience among that crowd, and we need clear-eyed stewardship in our next commander in chief.

Name another person who has the fervent numbers crowding rallies across the nation.  Name another candidate who has stood successfully against the Democrat smear machine.  McCain?  Romney?  Not even.

Make America Great Again?   Who you gonna call?

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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