Chesa Boudin gets booed at San Francisco's Lunar New Year's parade

Asian-American voters were critical in ousting three wokester school board members last week by monster 70-plus margins.

That doesn't seem to be good news for San Francisco's wokester district attorney Chesa Boudin, who faces a voter recall of his own on June 7. 

And here's a little whiff of what seems to be ahead for him:

Those noises heard are boos, lots of boos from the large crowd of locals. There are many Asian-Americans in that crowd based on the pictures. The first video also shows sign-waving protests demanding Boudin's recall.

According to local outlet ABC7, it was otherwise a happy occasion, Chinese New Year, Year of the Tiger, and it represented Asian Americans finally being able to come out after the COVID lockdowns.

Here's a remark from a local in the story:

"It has been a rough couple of years, and the last month has been pretty horrible for our community," said Hudson Liao, founder of nonprofit group Asians Are Strong. "Coming out showing people we don't have to be afraid we don't have to stay home is great."

Liao founded his group to help empower the Asian community. He had a stand at the Chinatown fair Saturday where hundreds attended.

"We are here because we want to show the community that there is support," he said. "The pandemic and then the crimes happening, you feel lonely. Today its great to come out and remind us that we are a community. There is a lot of us here."

He says seeing the crowd flock to that area once again for the New Years ceremony gives him hope.

Notice what he's saying? He's bringing up crime in the Asian-American community, which has seen a fearsome rise in anti-Asian violence -- old people pushed to their deaths on their daily walks, old can collectors robbed and mocked, Asian-American shop owners desperately attempting to protect their properties from mass looters, young Asian-American women killed in hit-and-runs by felons who belonged in jail. Those are just a few things I can recall.

Who has rained this hell on Asian-Americans? None other than Chesa Boudin, who claims to be Asian-Americans' great champion and proudly sports his name in Chinese glyphs on his Twitter banner head.

Seems there's another point of view out there.

And Asian-Americans are feeling their oats from their victory over the last three bounders they sent packing.

San Francisco is a largely adult city with one of the lowest student populations in any major city. It makes sense because the place is so unaffordable. But it's got a gargantuan Asian-American population -- somewhere between 30% and 40% -- and they've likely all felt the consequences of violent crime, if not the life of fear that Chesa's Caracas-style approach to law enforcement has wrought. More Asians are likely to have been affected by violent crime and Chesa's let-the-all-out prosecution approach than have been affected by the schools.

Now he's heartily booed at the Chinese New Year Parade.

If it's a bad idea to mess with Tiger Moms in the Year of the Tiger as the school board did, imagine what's in store for Chesa who's made life hell for thousands of Asian Americans in that city, who are no longer afraid to demonstrate exactly what they think about Chesa.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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