Beto is desperately hoping the lights go out

The RCP average has Governor Abbott up 8.2 points on Beto O'Rourke.

So what is Beto doing these days?  The answer is that he can't stop reminding Texas that the lights went out a year ago.  This is from The Austin Statesman:

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke will travel to 20 cities and towns across Texas over 12 days to mark the anniversary of the deadly February winter storms and widespread power outages, his campaign announced Monday.

The trip — dubbed the "Keeping the Lights On" tour — will start in El Paso on Friday and end in Houston Feb. 15, the anniversary of the first day of the deadly freeze.

O'Rourke will stop in Abilene, Wichita Falls, Austin, Corpus Christi and at least six other cities to speak about the outages and unveil his plan for improving the reliability of the state's power grid.

Since launching his campaign for governor, O'Rourke has been a vocal critic of the state's response to the nearly catastrophic failure of the state's power grid, arguing that Gov. Greg Abbott and other state leaders have failed to take steps to secure the grid and prevent future widespread outages.

Still, he has yet to release a detailed plan for how to shore up the grid.

Yes, we are waiting for the plan.  According to the website, Mr. O'Rourke wants to keep Texas as the energy capital of the U.S.  How?  We are waiting for specifics.

Image: Beto O'Rourke (edited in befunky).  YouTube screen grab.

A year ago, we had a disaster in Texas.  Unfortunately, our power grid collapsed under the weight of unusually cold temperatures and snow.  I've lived in Texas since 1984 and have seen many tornadoes, heat waves of 100-plus temperatures, freak winter storms, and a few other crazy things.  However, nothing like what happened a year ago, when Texas resembled the North Pole for a weekend.

So why is Beto reminding people of that terrible situation a year ago?  He's got nothing else, and the campaign looks more and more desperate every day.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

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