The Justices have broken Biden's pen

Back in 1961, a couple of Babe Ruth's records went down.

It led Whitey Ford to say, "It's been a bad year for the Babe."  Maybe Whitey, known as the Chairman of the Board, would say it's been a bad year for #46!

President Biden took off a year ago, signing a bunch of executive orders.  A year later, the courts have finally broken his pen.  This is from news reports:

The Supreme Court blocked President Biden's push to force employers across the country with over 100 employees to vaccinate their workers in a 6-3 ruling that dealt a sizable blow to the administration's vaccination push.

This is a huge victory for the Constitution and a rebuke of governing with the pen.

From mayors to governors to school districts to President Biden, we've seen a rash of mandates in the name of public health.  President Biden's mandate against private employers was authoritarian and not how we do business in the U.S.  The mandate claimed authority that President Biden does not have.  More importantly, Congress never gave OSHA that power, either.

Cheers for the six justices who understand the Constitution.  Thumbs down for the three other justices who can't think outside the liberal box.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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