Not even criminals deserve this level of abuse

We all know that the Biden Administration hasn't yet met a law, rule, regulation, policy, procedure, or court ruling it is unwilling to blow up in the name of its ever-expanding wokeism.  The next target in sight looks to be the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003.

The text of the law notes that "[i]n Farmer v. Brennan, 511 U.S. 825 (1994), the Supreme Court ruled that deliberate indifference to the substantial risk of sexual assault violates prisoners' rights under the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause of the Eighth Amendment."  If you're interested, section 30301 in Title 34 of the U.S. Code lists the rest of the heartbreaking findings of Congress that led to the law's passage and enactment.

A big thank you is due to Nathanael Blake over at The Federalist for breaking a horrifying story about the government's intended abuse of that statute.  In a draft executive order, the Biden administration plans to overhaul the federal criminal justice system to demonstrate its respect for the "dignity and rights of all persons."  Part of the planned renovations to the justice system include changes that would allow the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to house incarcerated individuals in accordance with their gender identity.

There are 157,472 federal prisoners, of which 10,965 (7%) are women.  Of the remaining 93%, according to National Review, about 1,200 identify as transgender (male to female).  Were they to be added to the female population, they would constitute fully 10% of all those housed in federal women's prisons.

It's hard to find very granular demographic data.  Of all federal prisoners, 38% are Black and 30% are Hispanic; 16% are non-American; 46% are in for drug offenses; 21% on weapons charges; and 11% for sex offenses.  Women are confined for far fewer violent crimes, and their drug-related offenses tend to be as accessories to male criminals.

Image: A poster about "Karen" White.  Fair Play for Women.

The most recent rule on the National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape, 28 CFR Part 115, was published in 2012.  It says (emphasis mine):

Inmates, too, must understand a facility's policies and procedures in order to know that they will be kept safe and that the facility will not tolerate their committing sexual abuse. The standards require that facilities explain their zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual abuse and sexual harassment and educate inmates on how to report any such incidents." And "The standards require that inmates be screened for risk of being sexually abused or sexually abusive and that screening information be used to inform housing, bed, work, education, and program assignments. The goal is to keep inmates at high risk of victimization away from those at high risk of committing abuse.

Unfortunately, incarcerated women are generally at a very high risk of victimization.  A little more than a year ago, the Justice Research and Statistics Association reported that 68% of female inmates had a history of mental health diagnosis, one third had PTSD, 69% were drug-dependent or drug-abusive, more than half were sexually abused as children, and between 50% and 75% were victims of sexual assault.

The DOJ's Office of Inspector General found that physical and emotional trauma affects 90% of the BOP's female prisoners.  The "most common type of traumatic experience for female inmates is repeated sexual violence, followed by intimate partner violence."  Thus, the BOP has implemented a "trauma-informed correctional care approach."  This is a comprehensive approach to corrections in which all policies recognize, and actions of staff reflect, the concept that trauma is a "real and prevalent occurrence, and that any opportunity to avoid re-traumatizing an inmate is an opportunity for healing."  First among the principles for this care is "ensuring physical, psychological, and emotional safety for inmates and staff."

Low-security inmates, which encompasses 44% of females, live in dormitory-style housing, while another 41% are classified as minimum-security inmates and housed in dormitories or cells.  None is classed as medium-security, and only a few as high-security.

Biden's plan to house male inmates with incarcerated women is pure evil.  The last thing these traumatized, victimized, mentally ill, and substance-dependent women need is to be housed in a dormitory with fully intact criminal men.  Just the presence of such men could be considered abusive and traumatizing to this population.  This is especially true given that men claiming to be women already have proven to be sexually abusive when housed in women's prisons.  (Reports about men transferred to women's prison are disturbing, to say the least.)

No matter how one feels about criminals and criminality, it's apparent that those women who end up behind bars are fragile and broken in almost every way. Though they owe a debt to society, they should not be forced to pay it by racking up even more damage than they came in with.

This is America. Our Republican representatives need to sponsor a bill immediately amending the Prison Rape Elimination Act so as to prevent Biden's planned travesty. And We the People all say Let's Go Brandon!

(UPDATE: Through an editing error, the last two paragraphs of this essay were initially omitted. They have been restored.)

Anony Mee is the pseudonym of a public civil servant.

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