Trillions for 1.5 degree Celsius

How on Earth do people agree to have weather taxed? 

A Millennial once asked how anyone could be against climate change because it isn't even political.  He had a point; climate change is weather.  But if a political party finds an avenue to tax weather, it becomes political.

The Democrat party has earned its nickname of "The Tax and Spend Party" going back nearly one hundred years.  The Democrats  have found their golden goose, an avenue to trillions of dollars ($1,000,000,000,000s) by claiming that a possible 1.5 degrees Celsius rise in temperature may destroy our planet.  The Millennials have claimed the cause, to save the Earth, and the Democrats have a solution.  In their gullibility, Millennials have aided, even abetted, making weather political.

The U.N., with its goal to keep the temperature of the planet under control, limiting its increase to 1.5 degrees, wrapped up its annual two-week conference, which was divided into two zones: the green zone and the blue zone.  The green zone was open to the general public, who were entertained with workshops, art exhibits, presentations, demonstrations of technology, and musical performances.  Included was the involvement of children with a poem competition courtesy of "Our Planet Now."  The children focused on the topic of something affecting our planet.  Also in the green zone, "People's Advocates" came up with planet-saving solutions such as encouraging children to walk to school and banning single-use plastics.  Of all the inane topics, a Gender Action Plan was tied into climate change solutions.  Children's museums are on board to lead climate research and action.  No doubt, our children are recognized as critical agents of change.

Joe Biden, still awake, at the opening of COP26.
Photo credit: Alan Harvey/ U.K. Government CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license.

While the general population focused on poems and straws, the blue zone opened to people registered with the United Nations body.  The 120 heads of state plus government and corporate leaders focused on another aspect of solutions for 1.5.  The website lists page after page of these solutions.  The wording revolves around finance: Financial Alliance, Initiates across the financial system, Mobilise Finance, Encourage business investors, cities and civil society, International carbon credits, Mechanism for carbon credits, Finance transfer, Adaptation finance, Increased financial resources, International financial institutions must play their part, Climate finance, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Unleash the trillions in private and public sector finance, Invest our financial capital, and Over $70 trillion assets by 2050.  

The ultimate climate change action, the funding mechanism, appears to have been the focus in the blue zone.  Post-UKCOP26, international banks, private companies, and politicians are negotiating their involvement in moving the money via made-up carbon credits.  And to be sure, the funding will be sustainable; countries and businesses will comply through monthly payments, dues, subscriptions, or whatever it may be called.  Our taxes are also sustainable.  As the carbon credits and money pass through the banks and are traded back and forth among the companies, many revenue streams will make many people very wealthy.  All the while, the money will come from we the people as we pay more for everything.    

Companies are touting the campaign titled "Keep 1.5 Alive."  We common folk will need to be reminded of the importance of the 1.5 degrees to save the Earth, an especially difficult sell with the Northern Hemisphere winter arriving with freezing temperatures.

The money is not the most evil plot of the climate change schemers.  Also on the website is the goal of phasing out fossil fuels.  The organic, straight from the ground coal, oil, and gas that provide us with life-sustaining energy, are the only things saving many from freezing to death.  The Millennials will soon understand what they have wrought on our lives in the name of saving the Earth.  And they will learn why many of us never supported "climate change."  It was always political and always about the money. 

Bob Smith is a pen name.

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