In New York, a groundswell of liberty-loving people grows

The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are literally the darkest days of the year as the northern hemisphere tilts from the sun.  It can be a time to wind down and reflect on what has happened and what the future holds. This year, I'm reminded of an adage attributed to Lenin: "There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks where decades happen."

Our country remains under the spell of a medical bureaucrat who has amassed so much power that it seems he made a deal with Lucifer himself.  Living in New York makes it seem that the freedom and prosperity we had in 2019 were dreams.  I often wonder if any of those responsible for the worldwide death and destruction will be punished in my lifetime for their crimes against humanity.

As I write this, Bill de Blasio, New York City's communist mayor, has set up "safe injection sites" where junkies and crackheads can freely shoot or smoke the drugs of their choice.  We the People, though, are not allowed to buy ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, or any therapeutics for CCP Flu that are over-the-counter products in many countries.

To add insult to injury, on his way out the door, de Blasio is contemplating an even stricter vax mandate that will require citizens to have three shots of the gene therapy injection to participate in public life in the city.

Our schoolchildren are still being suffocated, for New York is one of the few places in the world still mandating muzzles in schools and on public transportation.  Meanwhile, our current attorney general, who has no love for the Constitution or Bill of Rights, has declared that she is in favor of a strict statewide mask mandate should she become governor.

I could go on and on with the atrocities that, thanks to American Thinker and other sites, are already well known to readers.  Instead, I would like to pass along some good news about what's been happening on the grassroots level in the bluest of blue states.  People are fed up and are beginning to act.

Image: Safe Injection in New York City (cropped; edited in befunky).  YouTube screen grab.

Whether it's parents or patriots, they've had enough.  It started with the CRT, transgender curricula, and pornography that had, unbeknownst to parents, infested our school districts.  The Marxists themselves unwittingly opened the floodgates when the teachers' union insisted on school closures and distance learning.  Parents saw for themselves the disgusting filth and propaganda that were being "taught" to their children.

Now we and our children are being threatened with a "vaccine" mandate from the State.  The proposed laws will force even five-year-olds to get the gene therapy injection to be allowed to go to school.  On top of the muzzle masks and everything else, this is becoming the "hill to die on" for parents and the rest of us.  If the government can force us to take the shot, then there is nothing it cannot force us to do.

Here in New York, a network of town and county support groups has sprung up throughout the state.  We are mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore.

Just recently, on a night when people had to get up the next morning for school and work, we had over 200 locals attend a meeting to discuss how we'll stop the mandates.  Multiple speakers stood to vent their fury.  It was interesting to see just how many parents say, if the law goes through, they'll pull their kids from public schools.  In our county alone, we estimate that, if 30% of the students are removed, it would force at least one multi-million-dollar school to close for lack of funding.  One young woman, a lawyer, said she was done looking at real estate in Florida and was going to stand her ground and fight here in New York.

As time passes, one thing is certain: there are more of us than there are of them — and that includes citizens of every political persuasion, race, and creed.  We believe in our constitutional rights and the truth, and the leftists know it.  Moreover, as people feel they have nothing left to lose, they become formidable opponents.

The fault lines in our country are less likely to be between Democrats and Republicans, or liberals and conservatives, which is what Bidenistas and their globalist masters are envisioning.  Rather, the growing Resistance has united under the twin banners of Freedom and Liberty.  We don't care about political parties.  Instead, we are more concerned about saving our great Republic and the rights and liberties we took for granted until a few short months ago.

Our common enemy is Brandon and his legion of government bureaucrats, politicians, and elitists, who are robbing us blind of everything we hold dear.  We are not going to sit back and allow them to take our children, our homes, and the fruits of our labor.  Not a chance in hell.  We are ready to say the loudest "no" this country has ever heard.  Let's go, Brandon!

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