Could Queen Elizabeth be going the way of Meghan Markle?

In a most unfortunate series of events, Queen Elizabeth II has waded into politics on the global warming matter, quite contrary to her lifelong position of being above politics.

Her call to action at the United Nations' COP26 global warming summit in Scotland indicates a bad shift.

According to an editorial, likely written by Seth Lipsky, that appeared in the New York Sun:

Queen Elizabeth II made a mistake, by our lights, in abandoning her royal impartiality and plunging into the political fray at the Glasgow summit on climate change. She's effectively thrown herself — and her crown — in on the side of the Green New Deal. And of all those who will be addressing changes in the weather by tapping taxpayers at home and abroad, a money grab that will eventually boomerang on the politicians.

We wouldn't suggest that the Right Honorable Mrs. Windsor, as Her Majesty might come to be called if she keeps diving into politics, should have ignored the climate conference. Nor discount entirely that she was weakened by the ailment that caused royal doctors to insist that she get some rest. Nor that she might just be lonely following the death of Prince Philip, who, she insisted, started warning about the environment in 1969.

We would suggest that Her Majesty got way beyond her royal role when she declared that "the time for words has now moved to the time for action." And when she endorsed the environmental politics of her late husband, Prince Phillip, whose long ago warning she quoted as: "If the world pollution situation is not critical at the moment, it is as certain as anything can be, that the situation will become increasingly intolerable within a very short time . . ."

It's a heck of a shame to see this happen.

It's pandering to the crowd instead of staying above it and going the way of Meghan Markle.  It's not just Markle, of course.  The leftist pope, after all, is all in for it, having learned all he knows in Argentina.  Even nominally conservative U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson is on the bandwagon, too. 

The queen might have felt safe to wade into this issue, given that other big shots are already there and, more importantly, most of the British public actually believes the superstitions about man-caused global warming, too.

But it doesn't make the matter true.  Man-caused global warming is a phony idea, as many studies show.  That's a good reason to stay out of politics entirely, yet somehow the Her Majesty didn't.

What's going on at the global warming summit in Scotland, which is still swirling with the exhaust fumes of oodles of private jets, is a global-elite power-grab.  Not one of those jet-set characters showing up in Scotland cares a whit about global warming — they're looking for power, a means of harnessing the global warming myths to that end.  To them, the public is hopelessly wasteful and in need of a reduced standard of living and must accept U.N. diktats and in exchange can virtue-signal instead.  The real aim is for the elites to control the hoi polloi, who don't ride private jets, through a huge global bureaucracy.  Seems the groundlings are getting too powerful and, as the Duke of Wellington once put it, escaping all "proper control."

Yet it's discordant to get this message from the queen, coming in the age of Brexit.  Brexit was Britain's signal to the world that it intends to remain sovereign and not under the thumb of the European Union, let alone the United Nations.  The queen seemed to be signaling that maybe letting the United Nations call the shots is somehow better.

The New York Sun cites the queen's mention of her late beloved husband, Prince Philip, who spoke out against pollution in the '60s, as possibly her reason for breaking protocol.  The U.K. press noted that she wore a beautiful butterfly brooch in his honor.

But the New York Sun also points out that back then, carbon dioxide was not considered pollution.  Actual pollution was pollution.  That would mean unfettered smokestacks and trash on the ground, or perhaps ozone depletion — not exhaling, not carbon dioxide.  Carbon dioxide, after all, makes plants grow.  Speaking out against pollution in England's "green and pleasant land" as Prince Philip did was always perfectly appropriate.  But calling for a United Nations bureaucracy to regulate in the name of phony global warming is not.  The New York Sun points out that Prince Philip withdrew his support for the WWF after it couldn't stop yelling about global warming.

Perhaps the queen was striving to be "relevant," the way Meghan Markle supposedly is, hip with trends, brimming with "influencer" prowess, and in tune with Hollywood money and morals.  Meghan is all about politics and still apparently wants to run for public office.  If Meghan can do it and succeed as Hollywood "royalty," maybe the queen has some interest now in following her path.  Let's just say opining on global warming in the name of creating a vast new United Nations bureaucracy is exactly what Meghan does.  And if Her Majesty the queen, who thus far has been so superior to Markle by staying above it all, has sadly followed the wretched Meghan, then it's all downhill.  Why does anyone need a royal family at all if all they're going to do is dirty their hands in Meghan's politics?

It was a bad move, as the Sun points out, and hopefully just a misstep, not a trend.  Conservatives who know global warming is fake are the backbone of the royal family's support, loving its continuity as they do.  But if the royal family is skipping the continuity of remaining aloof from politics, all bets are off.  The U.K. royal family will rapidly find itself on the path of going the way of most European monarchies — as memories, museum pieces, and relics.

Image: Screen shot from video posted by The Royal Family via shareable YouTube.

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