You can't please the immigration activists

By any standard, President Biden was the answer to so many activists' prayers.  After all, didn't he open the border after saying no such thing during the campaign?

Well, President Biden now faces major backlash from open borders, especially in South Texas, where even border-region Democrats are screaming about his policies.  He is also about to bring back the "Stay in Mexico" policy, and the activists can't handle that.

This is the report:

Dozens of immigration activists walked out on top Biden officials during a virtual meeting, protesting the administration's plans to reinstate the Trump-era "Remain in Mexico" policy.

"I cannot stand one more meeting of them pretending," Ariana Saludares, an activist from the New Mexico-based Colores United, who attended the Saturday meeting, told Politico. "They give us accolades on the outside, but on the inside, we're having to take out the metaphoric knives from our back."

The activists asked for time before the meeting with Biden officials, such as Department of Homeland Security officials and the White House Domestic Policy Council's Esther Olavarria. They read a statement saying the Biden administration is "playing politics with human lives" and said they could no longer "come into these conversations in good conscience."

I guess that letting over a million unvaccinated people in the country in the middle of COVID and delta is not enough or something like that.

Frankly, I blame President Biden here.  Unfortunately, he lifted the activists' hopes with a number of executive orders reversing sound Trump policies, especially the "Stay in Mexico" program.  He then filled their heads with talk of DACA and limiting deportations.  Well, the courts had something to say about that.

What do these activists want?  They want open borders and no immigration rules.  Unfortunately, that's madness, and President Biden's sinking poll numbers are confirming that.  Wonder when these activists show up at Speaker Pelosi's asking for her support?

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: NathanMac87 via Wikimedia CommonsCC BY-SA 2.0.

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