Apparently, 'right-handed privilege' is a thing

UNC-Chapel Hill, a hard-leftist campus if there ever was one, hosted a presentation — apparently in all seriousness — discussing "right-hand privilege."  A tweet about the presentation has gone viral as beleaguered left-handers agree that they are victims.  It's true that ours is a right-handed world, but I think we lefties have the better of it.

First, here's the tweet showing a moment from the presentation:

According to Newsweek, this was a real presentation that was mandatory at UNC, courtesy of the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life.  The presenter was Christina Parlee.  What's fascinating is that her primary role, according to LinkedIn, is as "an equity, inclusion, and diversity (EID) speaker.  The victim cult has apparently extended from race, sex, sexuality, and "gender identity" to encompass things such as left-handedness.  How very sinister.

I can attest to the fact that right-handed privilege is a thing — or at least that it was 30–50 years ago, when I was in school.  In elementary school, those darn "blunt tipped" scissors we used didn't work for left-handers.  In college, the half-desks in the lecture halls, which were always on the right, left me with chronic tendonitis.  When I got my first computer in 1984, I had to learn to use a mouse with my right hand, so I still can't do fine detail stuff.

But you know what?  Big deal.  First of all, scissors are better now; college students use laptops; and you can get left-handed mice (plus, most kids use the mouse pads on laptops, which aren't "handed").  In other words, my "struggles" don't really exist anymore.

But there are other things that offset the fact that, because most people are right-handed, the world, logically, accommodates them.  The most important thing is that I am more ambidextrous now than my right-handed peers.  I feel that gives me an advantage on a daily basis because my mind is more flexible, and I can cope better with situations that force me to use the opposite hand.  Moreover, if I lose the use of my dominant hand (as happened to my mother), I can continue to feed myself and engage in other activities with my non-dominant hand (which she could not).

Mostly, though, if I allow myself to get caught up in this privilege stuff, I diminish myself.  Or as someone once described it to me, I end up living my life by subtraction.  I was fortunate enough to grow up very privileged.  My family was a poor immigrant family; since childhood, I've been legally blind; leaving me endlessly grateful for modern glasses technology; I'm left-handed; and I'm dyslexic.  So where's the privilege?  My parents remained married, they gave me a work ethic, and I inherited a good brain.

My point isn't to boast about either my lack of privilege or my extraordinary good fortune.  I simply wish to point out that most people have deficits and benefits.  It's up to them to work around their deficits and optimize their benefits, something our country once encouraged.  You need look no farther than the wildly popular Horatio Alger books, which assured generations of young boys that if they were honest and hardworking, they would thrive.  If people start defining themselves by their deficits, they've already lost.

It's tragic that we have someone fortunate enough to attend a prestigious college (although I would contend that other than Hillsdale, all American colleges have become jokes), whining because she's left-handed.  What a maroon, as Bugs Bunny would say.  The greatest tragedy about leftism is that it teaches young people to measure themselves by failure rather than success.

People should not be cheering on the tweet about this presenter, nor should she be given the time of day at a public university.  Anybody who's going to whine about handedness deserves to be ignored.

I'll leave you with two points.  First, left-handed people are the only ones in their right minds.  Second, The Simpsons was, as always, prescient:

Image: Right-handed privilege (cropped).  Twitter screen grab.

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