Sen. Elizabeth Warren reveals her inner despot

Elizabeth Warren is one of the least impressive figures in American politics today, despite her prominence.  A wealthy leftist who made money flipping foreclosed-upon properties, she owes her fame to her Harvard résumé, something she achieved by lying about her race; a book she wrote that pointed out the painfully obvious; and a completely erroneous study about medical bankruptcy.  It's no surprise that this faker should be trying to bully Amazon into pulling Alex Berenson's factually accurate, meticulously sourced books about COVID and vaccines.  If you run afoul of Warren's narrative, she will try to destroy you.

As a teacher, Warren bounced around from law school to law school in the 1970s and 1980s (University of Houston Law Center, the University of Texas at Austin School of Law, the University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania School of Law).  I had her as a professor in Texas, and while I will be the first to admit that I was, at best, an indifferent student in her class, I was not helped by the fact that she was one of those lecturers who never finished one thought before moving inscrutably to the next.

When Warren burst onto the national political scene, it emerged that she had leveraged herself into her job at Harvard by claiming to be Native American.  Harvard needed to prove its diversity, and she gave it the chance.  It was a dirty bargain between leftists.

In 2004, Warren and her daughter gained renown for writing a painfully obvious book pointing out that two-income families were struggling financially, in significant part because the drive to get their kids into good public schools drove up real estate prices.  As my kids would say, "Duh."

A year later, Warren and David Himmelstein claimed that half of the families filing for bankruptcy did so in the wake of a serious medical problem.  The book helped justify Obamacare.  The problem was that it was wrong, because that's how Warren rolls.

Following the 2008 real estate crash, Warren, that modern-day Marxist fighting for the little people against banks and other evil industrialists, made some nice money flipping houses for a profit.  Ironically, banks are proving to be evil, but that's not because they do what banks have always done, which is to loan money — often because the government forces them to do so to people who will not be able to pay the loans back — and then foreclose on failed loans.  Instead, they're evil because they're buying into the same leftist garbage that Warren peddles.

Given Warren's less than honest and accurate history, it somehow seems apropos that she, of all people, should be trying to censor Alex Berenson's wildly popular, and completely accurate, COVID pamphlets (emphasis in original):

Last week, Warren sent Amazon a six-page letter complaining that the company is not actively hiding my Unreported Truths booklets — as well as others that present unapproved views about Covid-19 — in its search results.


Warren's letter focuses mainly on the fact that my and other books are prominently displayed in Amazon's search engine (this is no surprise, given their ratings and sales). But it hints that she would like to go further. It asks Amazon to explain its "existing policies regarding the listing, promotion, and sale [emphasis added] of books and other products containing COVID-19 misinformation on its platform?"

To be clear, the Unreported Truths booklets contain no misinformation. As those of you who have read them know, they are sourced from government data and scientific preprints and peer-reviewed papers. I provide links to the relevant documents so readers can judge them for themselves.

But even if the booklets were completely wrong, their dangers would pale in comparison with the risks of government-fueled censorship. Elizabeth Warren should not be telling Amazon — which essentially controls retail book sales in the United States — what it can and cannot sell.

Warren has had a remarkably successful career for someone who has so little to offer other than trite Marxist prescriptions that have failed whenever and wherever they've been tried.  In a perfect world, someone like this would never be allowed near power.

However, we do not live in a perfect world, and Warren is trying to use her bully pulpit to stifle dissent.  Berenson is correct that she needs to be stopped because, if she gets away with censoring information she dislikes, the floodgates are open for all the Democrats' mediocrities to turn the First Amendment into a nullity.

Image: Elizabeth Warren, 1985 Peregrinus (UT Austin Law School yearbook).

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