Facebook continues to stifle the marketplace of ideas

I'm not a scientist, a doctor, or an expert in viruses or pandemics.  I didn't even finish college.  When I form an opinion about something in one of those disciplines, I must rely on experts in the field, but I try to be judicious in the information I gather.  I look at the source material and the experts' credentials, and I consider what ulterior motives said experts may have when they share their conclusions.  All of this is to say that I felt myself to be on safe ground when I shared an article on Facebook that Dr. Robert Malone wrote.

Dr. Malone discovered in vitro and in vivo RNA transfection, which is the process of artificially introducing nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) into cells, utilizing means other than viral infection.  Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccines, which he developed at the Salk Institute in 1988.  Whatever you may think of mRNA vaccines, I think it is safe to say Dr. Malone is a genuine expert in this field and that he knows something about how viruses work.

Not according to Facebook.  I received a warning from Facebook, and, although it did not delete my post sharing Dr. Malone's article, Facebook labeled it as partly false information:

The fact-checkers upon whom Facebook relied are Angéline Rouers, an immunologist and research fellow at the Infectious Diseases Labs of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research in Singapore; Dale Fisher, a professor of medicine at the National University of Singapore who specializes in infectious diseases; and Emma Hodcroft, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bern in Switzerland.  I cast no aspersions on the knowledge of these experts.  They seem to be intelligent people who are well informed in their various fields.  However, I do not believe they are as well versed in mRNA vaccines as Dr. Malone, the man who developed the core technology Pfizer and Moderna used to create the vaccines now being used around the world.

All that Dr. Malone has said, out of the abundance of his knowledge about mRNA and viruses, is that universal vaccination may be a problem.  He has some valid concerns.  His most serious concern is that universal vaccination may cause vaccine-resistant mutations and, if the population is trained with universal vaccination to have the same immune response, a mutated version of the virus that is resistant to the vaccine will spread rapidly through the population, no matter what their vaccination status is.  Dr. Malone does not think the Biden administration's current strategy of pushing or even mandating universal vaccination will make us safer, and he is worried that it may lengthen, or possibly even worsen, the pandemic.

You may agree or disagree with his conclusions, but I think that, as the developer of the mRNA vaccine, Dr. Malone has the right to voice his concerns without those concerns being labeled by Facebook as partly false merely because he disagrees with the Biden administration.  Scientists such as the aforementioned experts have the right in turn to voice their disagreement with Dr. Malone, but Facebook shouldn't give them more weight than Dr. Malone merely because what they are saying does agree with the Biden administration.

Pandra Selivanov is the author of The Pardon, a story of forgiveness based on the thief on the cross in the Bible.

Image: Censored woman (edited by Andrea Widburg). Rawpixel license.

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