Health & Freedom 2021: A healthy nation and freedom of expression

The newly minted Health & Freedom 2021 Conference led by ThriveTime Show founder Clay Clark brought together faithful from all over the country for a two-day business coaching conference.  One of the conference goals was to highlight information about the coronavirus, the government shutdown, the one-sided media, and Big Tech perpetuating public hysteria over this last year of the pandemic.

Clark, a Small Business Administration (SBA) "Entrepreneur of the Year" and founder of many high-earning companies, has been at the forefront of dismantling the narrative about what other speakers term the "Plandemic."  Clark believes that the mainstream media headlines are not telling the whole truth but offering half-baked theories and selective editing of facts.  This current controversy of whether the COVID virus was intentionally engineered to set the stage for the highly controversial and disputed election of 2020 is still the elephant in the ongoing public debate.

For Clark, "this event was organized to kill the spirit of fear related to COVID-19 with the truth about the false fear mongering models, falsely calibrated PCR tests and the false cause of death attribution."

The ongoing tension between the Biden administration and the individual states and citizens themselves has been supercharged since the election of 2020 along with the "Summer of Love" riots.

Bishop Leon Benjamin of Virginia asserts: "There is a contradiction in our communities when it comes to true justice as it pertains to how and when riots make sense after some injustice is recognized among our ranks.  When conservatives demonstrate their disdain for some injustice done to them, they do not go out and destroy their own community by burning and trashing property.  But when BLM says there is an injustice, people are potentially hurt and some even die, property is destroyed, and businesses are devastated." 

Highlights of the conference included "What's in the Vaccine?," presented by Dr. Christine Northrup regarding whether the vaccines contain any adverse antibodies, along with former U.S. Army combat veteran and registered nurse Erin Olszewski, who shared stories of the horrific greed and negligence in COVID epicenter New York's Elmhurst Hospital.  Actor Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ) made a special appearance via satellite about his team's human rights project and upcoming new film.

General Michael Flynn spoke about "Freedom from Tyranny."  Michael Lindell shared his spirited testimony and his thoughts on election integrity along with his launching of his social media platform to combat cancel culture. 

Attorney Lin Wood delivered the message of "love truth because Christ is truth" and pray for the next generation, then delivered a knockout punch line charging the crowd with doses of revelation of health, freedom, and protecting children from the grotesque acts of evil men.  Dr. Simone Gold, a physician, lawyer, and founder of Frontline Doctors, gave energetic testimony while introducing the Legal Eagle Team. 

The high-energy 15-hour day, two-day gathering provided a platform for attendees to glimpse the battle ahead for the November 2022 midterm election, with the conference setting a stellar record, with over two million viewers online.

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