Colonial's pipelines may be flowing again, but questions remain

Even before a ransomware attack shut down Colonial Pipeline, I was thinking about America's energy supply, a concern that escalated when I saw it take only four days for the pipeline stoppage to affect America.  What we witnessed when the pipeline shut down is the future the Democrats have planned for us.

What got me thinking is that the Indian Point nuclear plant, which had supplied about 25% of Downstate New York's electricity, was shut down last week.  Between that and closed gas pumps, I was feeling pretty powerless.

One of President Trump's most amazing achievements, one that affected the daily lives of every single American, was his ability to unleash the almost limitless power we have thanks to our abundant supply of oil, coal, and other energy resources.  During the Golden Years of the Trump administration, we saw the price of gas, oil, propane, and electricity drop to levels we haven't seen in decades.

Even the oligarchs who rule the blue-state gulags like New York were unable to stop the Trump Train as it barreled across the land, generating prosperity and economic freedom for all.  Last year for example, I was able to buy heating oil and gas at the lowest prices I could remember, and prices in general for everything else I was buying seemed to be on the low side as well.

Fast-forward to May 2021, just six months after an intellectually feeble old man was installed into office by a junta of assorted Marxists, communists, socialists, and Democrats (ah, but I repeat myself), most of whose names we still don't know.  On the sixth day of a major U.S. pipeline's shutdown thanks to computer sabotage, the administration still hadn't stepped up to assure Americans that it would be back.  Instead, the "administration" insisted that it was most likely the work of Russian hackers — you know those same people who colluded with President Trump back in the day.

Our entire intelligence and military apparatus — the FBI, CIA, and other alphabet agencies — are so busy rooting out the white supremacists, domestic terrorists, Trump-supporters, and the like, that they had no idea that such a threat was even on the radar.  Throughout the shutdown and its fallout, there was no sign that anyone in D.C. had was particularly concerned about what was happening to millions of Americans who were literally running out of gas.  Instead, Colonial was left to work its way out on its own, which it did with a $5-million ransom payment.

This brings me back to my main point, and the thing that really terrifies me.  It seems to me that the Dems, and whoever is running them, have decided that the best way to really ramp up America's destruction and to make life miserable for the Resistance (and everyone else) is to simply shut off the power.  Turn off the electricity and gas, and pretty much end life as we know it.  The whole basis for our prosperity is the fact that we have the luxury of pretty much unlimited electricity.

I live in a place where we have frequent blackouts because the above-ground power lines go down every so often, and we lose our electricity.  No juice means no water, no lights, no heat, no refrigerator.  Everyone has a generator, including us, though, so we can survive pretty well for at least a few days, as long as the gas holds out.

Between the completely unnecessary closure of Indian Point, the shutdown of the Keystone pipeline, and now the sabotage of the Colonial Pipeline, it seems that the ongoing civil war has just been ramped up to a new level along the power lines.  In some blue states, such as New York, where the Dems control everything, versions of the Green New Deal are already the law.  Ten years from now, it will be all but illegal for us to get electricity, drive cars, or heat our homes with oil or fossil fuels while wind and solar replacements are a sick joke in the Northeast where our temperatures range from 100 degrees in the summer to 20 below zero in the winter.  The Dems' push for electric cars is equally foolhardy, for they seem to have missed entirely the fact that only fossil fuel will provide the electricity needed to fuel those electric cars (cars that, as it happens, fare badly in very cold weather).

Through the Colonial Pipeline fiasco, I couldn't help but feel that the administration's anesthetized, disinterested response reflected the fact that it was conducting a bit of an experiment on people in conservative regions (which were the areas primarily affected by the fuel stoppage): how well, they wondered, will people react once the New Green Deal is implemented nationwide?  The answer is not well at all because only idiots and leftists would want to return to a premodern world without the benefit of abundant fossil fuel.

Image: Lines for gas.  YouTube screen grab.

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