Woke me to sleep, why don't ya?

Our English language has always fascinated me.  The way we use it informs culture and, in large part, sets the mores of society.  Our near instant communication, combined with the wokesters' ability to censor us, makes terminology that explains a concept or helps weigh one view or idea over another, extremely significant.

We emphasize things by describing them in a certain way and define our political and social values with the language we use.  The internet, the 24-hour TV news cycle, and celebrity punditry amplify the ramifications of these choices.  Opinion can become "fact" through lazy, buzzword-filled elucidation and unthinking public acceptance.  Truth is hidden just as easily.

When the platforms we use censor words, this curtails normal discourse and the free exchange of ideas.  We are kept in a mental box.  You cannot go here, there, or even there, because it will be pro forma struck from the discourse, sent down the rabbit hole into the void.

This profoundly affects our culture.  Societies cannot learn and grow if people are constantly weighing their words and editing their thoughts to avoid censorship.  How do concepts get shared, ideas exchanged, and understanding dawn when only one side of any equation is deemed "acceptable"?  How can we debate when there is a foregone conclusion?

The woke "Repressives" have worked hard to eliminate all "unacceptable" context from our discourse — as they define that term.  They've systematically rejected our values and injected lies.  This is obvious when you look at events versus words.

Showing ID to vote is deemed racist — as long as you ignore the demeaning idea that people "of color" don't know how to get an ID, and they theoretically can't pick up tickets to a sporting event or get on a plane.

Burning down businesses and destroying livelihoods is labeled social justice.  That means that the government endorses the perpetrators.  Meanwhile, peacefully walk into the Capitol, and we throw 'em in a cell and lose the key.

Did you know that there are people, regular Americans who came to D.C. on January 6, and did nothing more than walk into the Capitol, who are still rotting in the fetid D.C. jail without bail?  Yet Kamala had a bail fund for Antifa in Minneapolis, and rarely do they get charged.

Fencing D.C. now is a safety measure.  Finishing the border fence is so morally repugnant, they don't want anyone to notice that they might do a little more work on the fence.

One of the most egregious trends is denying history.  History is necessary because we weigh what's happening now against the aggregate of our past to gain context.  The left wants to erase that best lest we conclude that life has changed for the worse.

It's easier to label Washington a slaveholder and dismiss him than to look at him in the context of his time and learn something about the values underlying our country and the valor and sacrifice of the founders.  If Democrats acknowledged history, it might be harder to sell the 1619 Project or their radical social and school agenda.  Remember the trite saying, "those who deny history are condemned to repeat it"?

Our media have also redefined the language of outrage.  We Boomers remember Ted Koppel's Nightline, which started on the first day of the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979.  Each show started with America Held Hostage, Day X (10, 20, 50, 100, etc.).  During Carter's presidency, 52 Americans were held for over a year after a group of revolutionary, religiously radicalized Iranian students stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran.  Koppel and other outlets spent lots of time exposing us to facts.  We went from vaguely aware of the region as an oil-producing area to in-depth knowledge about the place.

Compare that to right now.  Where is Our Border in Crisis, Day 80?  Where are the journalists focusing on the 250,000 people who've poured into the country from parts south in March alone?  Media types avoid showing pictures of toddlers being dumped over walls; little children lost in the vast, hot desert alone; or COVID-spreading masses writhing under metallic blankets on the floor.  Where is one honest reporter to demand answers from a silent Biden, an absent Harris?  Where are the reporters trying to enter the San Diego convention center or the growing number of military bases where children are being warehoused?  Where's the report on NASA personnel being re-purposed as childcare workers?  Where is the outrage?

We ginned up a huge dose of outrage back in '79 over 52 Americans who couldn't come home and were held in bad conditions.  How does that compare to this?  These people are humans, with lives, families, a culture they are leaving behind.  Among them, children, babies, criminals, drug-smugglers.  We have cartels growing rich on human misery, girls raped and ravaged, drugs smuggled.  We have lost the language of moral outrage when faced with a genuine outrage.  The vapid lullaby of social justice ensures we close our eyes.

Image: Censorship by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay.

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