Joe Biden's COVID face mask trick play

The Democrats are running a trick play.  On the face of it, the play looks like a Hail Mary, but the outcome of this trick play is already known.

To contrast themselves to the evil Donald Trump, who did everything wrong and caused half a million Americans to die, the Democrats must do the opposite.  The most obvious "opposite" is the face mask.  We're the good and caring people: we wear the masks — unlike those uncaring Trumpists, who don't.

So when Joe Biden was "campaigning" for the presidency, he said he would issue a hundred-day national mandate to wear a face mask.  When he took office, he did just that.

What happens after 100 days? 

Voilà: the problem is solved.  The new administration and the Democrats will take credit for ending the "pandemic"; people can get back to normal life (well, maybe a new normal); everybody will be happy; and Joe Biden can take a victory lap around the world.

But if Joe Biden is such a miracle-worker, why couldn't he have declared an end to the "pandemic" soon after he took office?

Because when you run a trick play, you don't want to make it too obvious; you don't want the audience to know you've run a trick play.  And if they don't know you've run a trick play, then you can use it again.  But, like the hidden-ball trick in baseball and the flea-flicker in football, you can run this play only once in a blue moon — long after the opposition has forgotten about it.

The Biden administration began on January 20, 2021.  The hundredth day of the administration is April 30.  Watch out for the trick play.  Keep your eyes on the ball.

Ayad Rahim, a former journalist, is a teacher and bookseller in Cleveland.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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