The woke-minded snitches (with apologies to Dr. Seuss)

Now, the Woke-minded snitches had power to bully
Anyone or thing with a reputation to sully.
With reasoning flawed and logic scattered,
Nothing mattered but traditional values shattered.

And because they were woke, all the woke-minded snitches
Were like race-crazed Salemites looking for witches.
Their goal was clear, destruction and degradation
of anything highly regarded in western civilization.
"Burn down the churches, they're racist it's clear!"
"along with the flag, the anthem, and anything people revere."

They pulled out their brushes, with bristles so broad
they painted Columbus, Jefferson and Washington as frauds.
"We won the election, with some smoke and mirrors,"
"We control Congress and White House, so bow down in terror."
The people, battered by media and woke political power
seeing decency cancelled, they grew weary and cowered.
Folks gave in to the woke-minded snitches again and again,
but it was never enough because being drunk with power was better than gin.

White privilege justified looting, based on woke morality.
And burning down cities was the mostly peaceful protest of police brutality.
To many the woke-mind snitches looked like Frankenstein teens
But the woke-minded partied like it was 1619.

Someone spotted a woke-minded snitch carrying a noose,
Who was it for? Why, none other than Dr. Seuss!
"He stands for hatred and bigotry," the snitch did cry
"Why who but a racist would with ham green eggs fry?"
"Seuss was clever and male and white and respected
So, trashing his name and burning his books is expected."
"Only woke-minded authors can write from now on,
Like a woman who uses a urinal or a man who wears a tampon."
"And though they be boring, lacking anything fanciful,
Children will read them because Dr. Seuss has been cancelled."

There were a few who lamented the good doctor's demise
But mostly people surrendered, to no one's surprise.
And if five hundred years from now Dr. Seuss is rediscovered
And someone wonders why he was not more loved
You can blame it on racism as the primary reason
The racism of Bolsheviks who lynched a man for all seasons.

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