Palestinians trash a PA-sanctioned concert. Guess who's at fault!

I know you are eager to know the answer, so I won't hold you in suspense.  The fault is Israel's.  Can it be any other way if New York Times reports the story?

When you are at the New York Times, you know that Israel needs to be regularly smeared — but what if you are out of tar?  You unearth a stale, two-month old story — a story in which Israel plays no role whatsoever — and hurl it at the reader in the hope that Palestinian fanaticism it reports will somehow tarnish Israel.

Now that we know who's guilty, let's take our time and take in the facts.

An international music star arose among the Palestinians.

A 30-year-old D.J. from Ramallah, Ms. Abdulhadi ... helped build the electronic music scene in Ramallah ... late last December ... for her newest video project, Palestinian officials permitted Ms. Abdulhadi to film a performance at Nabi Musa, a remote cultural complex attached to a mosque in a desert area east of Jerusalem that some believe was built where Moses was buried.  Several hours into the filming her set was stormed by religious Palestinians, furious at what they saw as an attack on Islam[.] ... "It's very hurtful to Muslim feelings," said Nader Bibars, a television producer who believes he descends from the medieval sultan who built the mosque, Sultan Bibars. "They made it unclean."

As reported by the Jerusalem Post at the time:

The attackers, mostly young men from east Jerusalem, accused Sama and her friends of "desecrating" the site, which, in addition to a guesthouse and halls, also includes a mosque.  The attackers also denounced the PA government for authorizing the music event. The PA said it has formed a commission of inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the affair.Over the past few days, Palestinians rampaged through the site and set fire to furniture and other equipment.The site was recently renovated with the help of the European Union.

In brief, the Palestinian Authority gives a permit for a concert by an internationally known Palestinian musician to be held in a Palestinian-controlled area, and the event is attacked by Palestinian religious fanatics who claim that, being held near a mosque, it desecrated it.

While I blurted out the most sensational part of the story right up front, the New York Times properly kept the reader of its article in suspense and saved the best for the last.  So let's make it official by quoting the paper of record:

Palestinians have become alienated from each other, cut off by walls and checkpoints from each others' experiences. "The occupation disconnected us from each other," [Ms. Abdulhadi] said, "to a point where we don't understand each other's language anymore."

Got it?  When devote Palestinian Muslims can't stomach modern Palestinian music and burn down a Palestinian concert site, who is to blame?  Jews, of course!  It is so obvious — especially when you are a reporter or an editor of the New York Times.

Image via Pixy.

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