Cuomo and public health laws

Andrew Cuomo’s situation is an interesting one – and one that informs us about a larger drive for total power that exists within the minds of Democrat leadership, their media enablers, and their strategic planners.

This is a governor who not only followed every Fauci pandemic prescription to the letter, he weaponized each one into some of the most restrictive policies in the country. We all remember his Emmy-winning press conferences, how he alternately attacked and praised President Trump as it suited his needs, how he and Kaiser Wilhelm De Blasio woke-attacked Franklin Graham’s Shepherd’s Purse organization after it set up a field hospital in Central Park, and how he refused to use the USS Comfort, the 1,000-bed hospital ship Trump sent to New York harbor.

All this was happening while Cuomo’s state-mandated policies were sending Covid-19 positive patients back to nursing homes, to infect other residents and eventually to cause unnecessary deaths.

According to New York State’s own reporting, and that of the CDC, the nursing home death totals in New York of 13,163 represent 28% of all Covid-19 deaths in the state and these deaths alone are more than the totals of all deaths in 38 of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. (With new revelations about Cuomo’s office hiding deaths, it looks as if nearly 15,000 deaths were, in fact, attributable to nursing homes.)

And yet, this is ignored and pales in comparison to the sexual harassment scandal raging around the Luv Guv. Chances are, if it were not for Janice Dean of Fox News (whose husband lost both parents to Cuomo’s Covid death sentences), the nursing home debacle would be buried. It isn’t that sexual harassment isn’t a big deal; it just seems that creating and implementing policies that directly led to the death of over 13,000 people might be a more significant issue.

There is a reason why the nursing home deaths are not front-page news – and it has to do with power.

The Democrats have found a weakness in our constitutional form of government they plan to exploit in the future, a way around those archaic, dusty, old provisions of the Bill of Rights that hamper the government’s control over individuals.

They have discovered that combining a disease, fear, the Tenth Amendment, and public health laws gives them plenary “emergency” powers via the various state constitutions. They have also found how little anyone can do to break these powers. The federal government cannot act due to the Tenth Amendment; the state legislatures have been either complicit or generally powerless (a few have enlisted the judiciary after the fact to a varying degree of success); and most of the people in the blue states are just enough afraid to turn their lives over to the state and let it tell them what they can and cannot do.

For the first time in history, Democrat governors like Cuomo, Whitmer, Newsom, Murphy, Wolf, and others have used those powers to quarantine healthy people rather than the sick and steal an entire year of life from the people living in their states, a year that according to studies of “NPIs” (nonpharmaceutical interventions like mandatory business closures and stay-at-home orders) published in Nature and the European Journal of Clinical Investigation now show that lockdowns were no more effective than other, less restrictive methods. The latter publication states, states “[W]e do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less‐restrictive interventions.”

Again, you might ask why the failure of lockdowns is not front-page news in the United States, where some states are still sealed as tight as your grandmother’s Tupperware? Because if the lockdowns did not work, there is no reason for the exercise of raw power to which Democrat governors have become addicted, there is no reason for the reduced election security provisions -- the mail-out/mail-in voting and the legalized election fraud of HR-1 which the Democrat party has already used to orchestrate a soft coup and install a mentally diminished puppet in the White House -- and there also is no valid reason for a Democrat-controlled national government to pat itself on the back for spending trillions of dollars we do not have to solve a problem it created in the first place.

It will be interesting to watch what happens with Governor Cruella de Whitmer of Michigan, as she deployed policies similar to Cuomo’s “return to die.” Various District Attorneys there are encouraging people who had relatives die in nursing homes to file wrongful death complaints. One wonders, if the heat gets turned up high enough, whether a new personal scandal will miraculously appear to take eyeballs off the issue.

The Democrats cannot afford to have such a valuable tool be destroyed, not even through collateral damage. That is why, if Cuomo goes down, he will go down due to personal peccadillos rather than policy failures.

IMAGE: Andrew Cuomo. YouTube screengrab.

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