Are we going to need vaccination passports?

Although I know verification of health status is a reasonable condition of entry for countries, I am dubious about the fear of COVID as a cause for new conditions for international or domestic travel.  Several countries are implementing or seriously considering having your COVID vaccination status indicated on your passport to gain entry.  I am against this because, as a Catholic, I refuse to introduce something so untested long-term, and so unknown into the body God has given me.  I will add that I simply do not believe that COVID is as deadly as it's been made out to be.

Leaving faith aside, I worry that just like the other damaging restrictions various governments have implemented, tying travel to COVID vaccination status is too disruptive.  People like me won't be able to travel at all if this becomes the norm.  As a consultant, I travel constantly, and I lost out on significant income in 2020 due to government-imposed restrictions.  The incentive to feed our families will pressure millions of people to get vaccinated even though they don't want to.

Further, local businesses could require proof of vaccination to access their premises.  All over the world, hotels customarily hold foreigners' passports while they stay.  It is not very far-fetched, given the overblown fear of COVID, that businesses such as theaters, stadiums, and just about anywhere people gather will start requiring people to "show their papers."  We can have it noted on our driver's licenses just to make it a little easier than carrying two documents, or perhaps there's an app for that.

Regardless, now there is one more reason for the government, Big Tech, and others to track and restrict our movements.  If you don't believe that all of them will end up abusing this, you're simply too young or too frightened to face the truth.  Restricting people's movement based upon COVID vaccination status will not protect anyone anyway.  If that were true, countries and states that implemented previous restrictions would not have the same incidences of COVID as countries and states that had few or no restrictions.

We cannot sterilize the world, and as I've said before, if you want to increase your chances of survival, masks and stamped passports are not the answer.  Rather, eat healthily, get off the P.C., work out, and don't get fat.  Obesity and its related conditions — along with advanced age — are the reasons 94% of people die with COVID.  Not from COVID — but with COVID.  We need not only to lift the current restrictions, but to prevent foolhardy new restrictions from going into effect.

Image: COVID passport image made using a generic "vaccine" bottle by Daniel Schludi and a public domain picture of a passport.

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