Will Manchin stop the left?

Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va) may be the only politician in America who can stop the far-left agenda of the Biden/Harris administration backed by both houses of Congress. He is from a poor, rural state with an economy heavily tied to energy production. He may be the only Democrat Senator who has views that are diametrically opposed to at least some of the far-left agenda his party proposes.

Manchin voted for to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to become a justice of the Supreme Court, though he opposed Amy Comey Barrett’s on grounds that the process was handled too quickly. He says he is opposed to packing the Supreme Court. He believes that energy independence is imperative for America’s security and that all energy sources are important in achieving that goal, including fossil fuels. He believes that the EPA has a history of overreaching regulations that have unnecessarily curtailed the US economy and reduced jobs.

Senator Manchin is the current ranking member of the Senate Committee On Energy and Natural Resources. As such, he should be the chairman of that committee in the new Senate. He is also on the Appropriations Committee. Both of these committees are very powerful.

However, given Manchin’s views on energy and the environment, it is unlikely that he can become chair of the Energy Committee unless he promises to change his views on the Green New Deal, which will be front and center in the new Congress. Likewise, given his general views, including his belief in fiscal restraint, it may be difficult for him to leverage his Appropriations appointment to favor West Virginia as he has in the past.

If you look at Joe Manchin’s overall background and beliefs, it is hard to understand how he fits in the new Democrat Party. Of course, the party wants and needs his vote, but what do they have to give in return? About all I can see is a nice office suite.

Manchin is 73 years old. His years in the Senate are numbered. He has an opportunity that few ever have. This is probably his last chance to make history and save America from disaster.

Sen. Manchin could make a deal that would allow him, at least partially, to achieve his goals by holding the line against the Green New Deal that would otherwise completely devastate his state. He could trade in his worn-out Democrat affiliation and join the Republicans, allowing them to hold the Senate. He could avoid the bitter votes of VP Harris against the interests of West Virginia.

What would his reward be? Chair of the Energy Committee on his terms and an Appropriations Committee that would help West Virginia. And that would be so simple a political solution, but much more is on the line as the left fully reveals its hand.

The left has gone power-mad even before taking full control. Twitter permanently bans Trump. Google tries to kill Parler. Suddenly, domestic terrorism is the most important threat to America, and we need to watch out for demonstrations, but only those of conservatives. Christopher Wray must love that. Pelosi demands that the President resign or be impeached. Dominion sues Sidney Powell for a billion+, assuming that the left climate is just right.

This is a totally crazed power high that goes back to the French Revolution. Kill the king and all associated. What we know is that the killers eventually killed each other. Because we know the outcome, that is why we need to destroy history and all references thereto. Only can we hide that we are on the way to a repeat.

Joe, make us proud and stop this with your love of West Virginia and America.

Christopher Garbacz is a former professor who lives in Mississippi.

IMAGE: Joe Manchin.

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