The impeachment clown show

Despite the "straw vote" taken in the Senate, spearheaded by Rand Paul, which has determined that the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump is "dead on arrival," it appears that the clown show impeachment will move forward.

It has also been reported that Chief Justice John Roberts has declined to fulfill the constitutional prescription that he preside over the impeachment proceedings, likely due, although with no indication from Roberts, to his belief that the impeachment of a former president is unconstitutional.

Unbiased arbiter Democrat Patrick Leahy is set to preside over the circus.

In light of the circus-like atmosphere of the event, and seemingly without any way to derail the proceedings themselves, I propose to heighten the comedy factor in order to expose the [il]legitimacy of the charade.

"Point of order — I object to the term gentleman/gentlelady, man, woman, he, she, him, her, father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, etc."    

Any and every time one of these terms is used in the proceedings, I would love to see a senator (maybe Rand Paul or Ted Cruz) halt the proceedings to object to the use of these banned words.  This would expose the ludicrousness of the gender language nonsense and add more comedy to the already hilarious sideshow of this sham impeachment.

If we can't derail this nonsense, we should at least have a good belly laugh at its expense.

Image: Pixabay.

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