The fight for free speech must continue through tyranny

Pennsylvania lieutenant governor John Fetterman (D) announced that President Trump has no right to say that the election was stolen, because it is not protected speech.  The Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the State from "abridging the freedom of speech," but does not define what that freedom entails.  The Supreme Court has interpreted the clause to protect against State regulation of certain areas of "protected" speech and conduct, which permit individual and collective speech "in pursuit of a wide variety of political, economic, educational, religious, and cultural ends."

Then there is unprotected speech.  In this case, the State may regulate the speech because of its offensive content, as long as it does so in an even-handed manner.  Examples of unprotected speech are defamation, fraud, incitement, fighting words, true threats, group libel, speech integral to criminal conduct, and child pornography.  Apart from the final category (although we cannot dismiss pedophile Epstein's friendship with the Clintons and others of their ilk), the list reads like chapter headings for the Democrats' operating manual (inspired by Alinsky's Rules for Radicals), which they insist is the best way forward to obtain overweening political power.  In addition, like many self-righteous, paranoid liars, they project onto those who rebuke them the very sins they commit themselves.  And they are never prosecuted.

Two ignominious impeachments along with hypocritical standards towards political violence, bribery, and corruption — in fact, almost every strategy the Democrats employ is fraudulent, defamatory, and designed to thwart the rule of law.  Now we are entertained by their servile surveillance media commandeering the function of the State by uneven-handedly shutting down any opposition to the Democrat narrative, by labeling it as unprotected "hate speech."  It is "hate speech" because they hate it!  The narcissist self-esteem of pathological liars is invested in their lying, and opposition infuriates them.

If a statement is true, it cannot be false, despite close interrogation.  If interrogation is not permitted, liars will prevail.  Therefore, the most telling characteristic of liars is that they abhor argument.  They abjure doubt. They repudiate disputation. They deny admission of factual evidence which contradicts their lies.  The illogical diatribes of the "woke" do not even rise to the level of a valid proposition in any Platonic dialogue, yet are never debated in academia.  Discussion is shut down.  Every challenger is ostracized, in order to conceal an irrational, obscurantist intellectual aridity.

In order to convert the USA into a command center for "woke" global governance, they need to asphyxiate all opposition.  The historian Lord Acton, who documented the descent of democracy into mob tyranny, remarked, "The true democratic principle, that every man's free will shall be as unfettered as possible, is taken to mean that the free will of the collective people shall be fettered in nothing[.] ... Democracy claims to be ... its own master, not a trustee[.] ... The enemy to be overcome is no longer the absolutism of the State, but the liberty of the subject."  That is where we are now — an inquisition against all citizens who do not passionately submit, or trot, like masked sheep, into the Democrat sheep pen.  The Supreme Court seems extravagantly uninterested in our fate.  The majority of our political representatives (Democrat and Republican) stand on Capitol Hill, ready to hurl legislative rocks.  Clearly, they intend to crush us.

Worse is to come. According to Eric Kaufmann in his brilliant analysis, "Liberal Fundamentalism: A Sociology of Wokeness," "woke" liberalism has "almost no internal checks on [its] radicalism."  The only external obstacles to the "woke" takeover of every institution (now concluded) were a weakened Christianity, loyalty to a vilified civilization largely created by dead white men, and a despised national patriotism — until Trump emerged as the defender of all three.  He restored our courage.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn warned that courage and integrity are the only remedies.  Truth must be hurled into the teeth of tyranny.  "We, the dissidents of the USSR, have no tanks, no weapons, no organization.  We have nothing.  Our hands are empty.  We have only our hearts[.] ... And whenever we have found the firmness within ourselves to stand up for our rights, we have done so.  And it is only by firmness of spirit that we have withstood[.] ... They knew that I would not yield an inch, not a hair's breadth.  And when they could do nothing, they themselves fell back."

Those who lie are our enemy.  Those who swallow lies become liars — including vitriolic family members and friends.  Such a conclusion has bitter consequences.  When your Democrat children call you a racist for supporting Trump, will you turn the other cheek, or will you strike back?  This, not because you don't love your family and friends, but because they exhibit zero respect for you.  They need to be sent an eloquent message that you will not countenance such contempt.  Charity may begin at home, but so does the defense of truth and goodness.  From the home, it can circulate to the community, to a new political party, and to the corridors of power.

Many of us will be punished.  Many will be silenced.  Some will lose our jobs.  We may face unjust imprisonment.  They cannot destroy us all.  We will never give in until the liars, deceivers, and power-mongers have been tossed into the landfill of history.  Reason, debate, and protocols to check the abuse of power must be restored, or one dictatorship will merely replace another.

Image via Pxhere.

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