Rep. Cori Bush mourns a White supremacist’s passing

Rep. Cori Bush (D. Mo.), a new member of Congress, immediately joined “the Squad,” a collection of young House members more famed for their leftist radicalism than for their intelligence. Bush instantly fit in when it came to her radical politics. On Saturday, she proved that she was in the Squad’s league intellectually too. That’s because her rabid hatred for President Trump led her to mourn the execution of a White supremacist. Did I mention that Bush is Black?

Bush was exercised about the fact that Donald Trump reinstated carrying out the federal death penalty. Before he left office, Bush wanted everyone to know that, by carrying out lawful death penalty judgments, Trump himself became a murderer. This is her tweet to that effect:


You’ll note that, by using the phrase, “Say their names,” Bush is elevating these people to the same status as the martyrs of the Black Lives Matter movement, everyone from George Floyd (an ex-con who OD’d on illegal drugs), to Jacob Blake (a wanted man who admitted to having a knife when he scuffled with police), to Trayvon Martin (a gang member wannabe, high on drugs, who tried to bash George Zimmerman’s head in), to Breonna Taylor (a moll for one of Louisville’s biggest drug lords).

But what makes Daniel Lee, the very first name on the list, different from all others is that he was a White supremacist. On January 11, 1996, Lee murdered a family of three: William Frederick Mueller, Nancy Ann Mueller, and their daughter Sarah Elizabeth Powell, 8 years old. He and his accomplice then hot them with a stun gun and suffocated them to death by taping plastic bags over their heads. They then threw the bodies into a swamp.

Say his name, Cori Bush! Say his name!

Bush was also unconcerned with the other victims of those who were convicted, lost appeals, and were eventually executed. Including Lee’s victims, the people on that list killed a total of 32 people between them.

  • Wesley Purkey kidnapped and killed 16-year-old Jennifer Long. He then dismembered her body, burned it, and dumped the remains in a septic pond. That same year, he used a claw hammer to kill an 80-year-old woman who had polio.
  • Dustin Honken, a drug lord, murdered five people in Iowa, including two children.
  • Lezmond Mitchell and his accomplices killed a woman and her 9-year-old granddaughter. They first tried to kill 9-year-old Tiffany by hitting her head with rocks but, when that failed, they slit her throat. They stabbed her grandmother, Alyce Slim, 33 times.
  • Keith Nelson kidnapped a 10-year-old girl, raped her, and strangled her to death.
  • William LeCroy Jr. raped and murdered a nurse by stabbing her repeatedly.
  • Christopher Vialva shot Todd and Stacie Bagley to death.
  • Orlando Hall, along with others, tortured, raped, and murdered, Lisa Rene, 16. She had the misfortune to open the door when they came looking for her brother in a dispute over drug money.
  • Brandon Bernard was part of the crew that killed Todd and Stacie Bagley.
  • Alfred Bourgeois, said the Justice Department, “physically and emotionally tortured, sexually molested, and then beat to death his two-year-old daughter.”
  • Lisa Montgomery strangled eight-month-pregnant Bobbie Jo Stinnett and then sliced her open to steal the baby (who survived and is now 16).
  • Corey Johnson murdered seven people as part of his cocaine drug kingdom.
  • Dustin Higgs was part of a group that kidnapped and murdered three women.

Say their names, Rep. Bush. Say their names!

IMAGE: Cori Bush by Photo News 247. CC BY 3.0.

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