Imagine the horror if the president had won

Imagine the horror if the president had won.

Not the simultaneous, I mean, mostly peaceful protests perpetrated across the country by Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  How many businesses would have been firebombed?  How many police stations and government buildings would have been overrun?  How many college campuses would be aflame with leftist activism?

No, not the left-wing media and Hollywood losing their collective minds.

 Not the cries of voter suppression and racism (because of course racism).

Not the violence and threat of violence committed against the president, his family, and anyone (of us 75 million people) in his sphere. 

No, the horror I'm speaking about is the right's treatment of our defeated foes.

As we see how the collective left is (mis)treating those of us who supported a different candidate, and therefore a different agenda for America, let us take pause to consider the horrors that might have been directed toward our Democrat neighbors had the president won.

Imagine them having to endure watching us go to work the next day.

Or us waving at them as we walk around the block with our children, grandchildren, and pets.

Imagine our calls for unity, getting local and state government off our backs.

Imagine a rebounding economy.

Imagine blacks, Hispanics and women with the employment gains they had secured under the president's first term.

Imagine the restoration of peace and order imposed on our Democrat-run inner cities.

Imagine more Arab countries making peace treaties with our ally, Israel.

Imagine Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un being kept in check by continued peace-through-strength initiatives in the Pacific.

Imagine the mean things that our president might have said, though, about the Iranian mullahs, Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping, or Joy Behar.  

Imagine the continued drawdown of overseas troops.

Imagine us not agreeing with what you say, but defending your right to say it, or the myriad of other civil liberties defended and protected on your and our behalf.

Imagine continued calls for patriotism in support of our flag, our constitution, our service members, the police, and the Judeo-Christian values that have sustained our nation for the past 245 years.

Imagine our Republican...ahem...representatives glad-handing with each other for their support of the president in his re-election bid, proclaiming that they always had his back.

Yeah, while we await the left's next measure of punishment, let's not lose sight of how horrific things might have been for America had Donald Trump won the presidency.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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