The intimidation of Melissa Carone

Dominion Voting Systems is presently going on attack.  Attorneys Thomas Clare and Megan Meier, representing Dominion, sent letters to President Donald Trump's supporters demanding that they cease making false and "defamatory" claims about the company's role in voter fraud.  Their letter to Melissa Carone, dated 22 December 2020, has been posted on the internet.  The letter reveals that Dominion may not be competently represented.  The attorneys claim that Carone was Rudy Giuliani's "star witness" who made outlandish accusations "without a shred of corroborating evidence."  Who designated Melissa Carone a "star witness"?  Giuliani had several witnesses.

The attorneys claim that Carone was "hired through a staffing agency for one day to clean glass on machines and complete other menial tasks."  She was simply a cleaning lady.  John Poulos, Dominion CEO, testified that her role was "really limited to a type one type of technician who provides — she would have been told how to clean the glass read heads or at least she should have been."  Poulos concedes that Carone was a "technician" but still minimized her role.  Wikibious describes her as a "contracted IT worker who was responsible for fixing malfunctioning vote-counting machines at Michigan's TCF Center."

Carone is warned of possible litigation.  "Litigation regarding these issues is imminent."  They present her with a list of demands that would require a full-time staff to meet.  She has to "preserve all documents relating to such claims," including "any and all communications she may have had with Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Jenna Ellis, Rudy Giuliani and any other member of the Trump campaign."  They also demanded "preservation of records for every person who has compensated her — or any entity related to her — for making public statements about Dominion."

Melissa Carone testifying (YouTube screen grab, cropped).

The demand for various documents is nearly 400 words long.  They then inform her, "The laws and rules prohibiting destruction of evidence apply to electronically stored information in the same manner that they apply to other evidence."  The laws are spelled out clearly in 18 U.S. Code §1519.  The only problem is that this statute deals with federal litigation.  Clare and Meier have not even begun their court case.  Perhaps they believe that Carone will not be advised by several attorneys that they have no authority.  They are simply trying to intimidate her.

Litigation could be the last thing that Dominion and its Deep State allies would want.  Dominion may have to explain why it was rejected by the state of Texas.  Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick claims that it was rejected three times because it was a "piece of junk" and was "prone to fraud."  Six of the state's experts said the Dominion machines were "error-prone" and did not "meet our standards" and concluded, "Do not buy this software."  They said the software "could change ballots" and not count other ballots.  One example involved an expert who took his cell phone, "hooked it up to a USB port, and was able to download all of the information from that voting machine into [his] cellphone."

Mellissa Carone has been under relentless attack.  She has been pilloried by Saturday Night Live on several occasions.  According to Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, Rule Five, "[r]idicule is man's most potent weapon.  It's hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."  Jimmy Fallon claimed that Rudy Giuliani leaned over and told Carone, "You're making a fool of yourself."  Many of his viewers will believe that this actually happened.  This tactic was successfully used against Sarah Palin when the remark "I can see Russia from my house" was attributed to her.  The remark was actually made by Tina Fey parodying Palin.

Carone is repeatedly accused of being intoxicated during her testimony during a Dec. 2 Michigan State House hearing.  She had to be drunk.  How do we know?  She was not sufficiently obsequious when speaking to her betters.  She stated, "I know what I saw, and I signed something saying that if I am wrong, I could go to prison."  This is a powerful statement made by the mother of two children.  Her serious offense, however, occurred when she asked Rep. Johnson, "Did you?"

John Dietrich is a freelance writer and the author of The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy (Algora Publishing).  He has a Master of Arts degree in international relations from St. Mary's University.  He is retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.  He is featured on the BBC's program "Things We Forgot to Remember:" Morgenthau Plan and Post-War Germany.

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