Sir Winston and The Donald

Seeing the apparent fate of Donald Trump in our recent sham of an election, I am reminded of the individual who I believe was the greatest man of the twentieth century, Winston Churchill.

For five long years, 1940–1945, Churchill stood alone in Europe against Hitler's evil. He refused to allow his country to become France — a country with great food and wine, but the spine of a plush toy.

Britain, having finally recognized the folly of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's efforts at appeasement, elected Churchill to be prime minister at the age of sixty-five.  We would certainly be looking at a different world today if this often profane, typically immodest, and more than occasionally ethanol-stoked "vulgarian" had not held the reins of power.

Churchill faced an uphill battle to bring the United States into the war.  Many here felt that it was Europe's battle and we should stay out of it.  Such varied individuals as Charles Lindbergh, a true aviation hero, and Joseph P. Kennedy, an immoral bandit who thought "that Hitler guy isn't so bad" and who would found America's greatest political dynasty, were loudly outspoken against our involvement in the conflict.

Churchill used his friendship with FDR to garner the Lend-Lease Act that allowed the U.S. to provide a variety of needed supplies to Great Britain and the various resistance forces in Europe.  Finally, a huge political miscalculation by the Japanese brought us into the war, and the rest, as they say, is history.

So how was Churchill rewarded by the British people for quite likely saving the free world?  Right before the end of the war, they unceremoniously voted him out of office in favor of the forgettable Clement Attlee.  Churchill was forced to sit idly by as his successor met with Stalin and Truman (having ascended to the presidency following FDR's death) at Potsdam to divide the European continent among the victors.  I believe that it was the greatest slap in the face to a hero in history.

So now we see Donald Trump, likely thrown out of office by dubious means, after four years of great accomplishment.

While not winning a major world war and saving humanity à la Sir Winston, he kept his promises and built the strongest economy in the history of the world.  He effectively reformed immigration.  He stood alone against China's dishonest trade policies and outright theft of intellectual property.  He restored sanity to our judicial system with his appointments of originalists to both the Supreme Court and lower judiciaries.  He made inroads toward uniting our population rather than continuing the divisive identity politics of his opposition.  He did the undoable in forging multiple Mideast peace treaties between Arab countries and Israel.  Only a virus dealt knowingly or accidentally by the Chinese, which decimated our country for most of 2020, could have caused a failure to re-elect him.  No amount of chicanery would have produced a believable electoral defeat without the effects of COVID-19.

But Churchill had a second act.  Six years after being turned out of office, the British people restored him to the prime minister-ship.  He served four more years, and while no longer the colossus of the war years, he served ably.

I see no reason why Donald Trump cannot also have an encore.

In four years, the American public will surely realize what his loss produced: a staggering economy and a progressive worldview, attempting to redistribute our wealth to other nations.  The breakdown of relationships in the Mideast will stir memories of the man who had brought hope to the region.  China's continuous malfeasance in trading with the "friendly" Biden administration will take us to even larger trade deficits and worse.

I predict that Donald Trump, this often profane, typically immodest, but never ethanol-stoked "vulgarian," will create a run on red hats with a "MAGA-A" logo.  In his second term, I believe he will be a colossus.  Joe Biden will be far more forgettable than Clement Attlee.  Donald Trump will make America great again — again.  America needs his second act.  Let's pray that it comes to pass.

Image credit: Pixabay public domain.

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