Memo to Joe

The good news for Joe Biden is that he got 306 electoral votes this week.  The bad news is that the referee has not blown the whistle — i.e., the election won't be official until the U.S. Senate and Congress confirm the vote in January.

As we learned, there were Trump electors in the contested states.  Can those votes replace the Biden electors?  It's up to the state legislatures, the only people in the country who can do anything about it.  (Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 and 3.)

So my message to Mr. Biden to get in the game and make the following statement:

My fellow citizens,

I know that many of you don't think that the 2020 election was on the level.  Therefore, I call on President Trump to immediately call for a special prosecutor to look into the results.  I can't govern unless the voters accept the results of a tough election.

Will he do this?  He should, but he won't.  Therefore, he will walk into the presidency with two strikes. I t won't be fun for him, his family, and the millions who apparently made it possible.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Image: Gage Skidmore.

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