It's not looking good

When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, I knew that the nation had made a big mistake, but I was confident that we could survive it.  Now I have no such confidence.  Biden and Harris have done all they can to steal an election.  They are corrupt politicians and also unprincipled accomplices of radical leftist ideologues.  They are wholly owned by the dark state, and its corporate minions, which in turn is deeply intertwined with Communist China. 

Our rights are in serious jeopardy, beginning with the First Amendment.  With few exceptions, there is no longer a free press, but only a propaganda industry that will censor any information adverse to the left and attack conservatives with false allegations. 

The incoming usurping administration, should it take office, will move immediately to consolidate its authority and permanently ensconce itself in every position that matters to it.  It will hunt down everyone whom it perceives to be a threat to its supremacy and neutralize him, either by physical force or economic deprivation. 

Honest elections are now a thing of the past.  Dissent will not be tolerated.  Courts will not matter.  Schoolchildren will be indoctrinated rather than educated.  Once the left seizes power, it never relinquishes it without bloodshed. 

This nation was founded by men who pledged their lives and their fortunes to it, and more than that, invested their sacred honor in the struggle for freedom.  Sadly, it seems that among today's leaders, scant few would sign the Declaration of Independence.  They whine that they are powerless instead of taking the only decisive actions that would have successfully reversed the greatest fraud in our history.  Many more of them are counting their pieces of silver. 

I fully expect that Joe Biden will soon be found, by his enablers, to have served his purpose.  Jill Biden fancies herself to be the Dowager Empress, but Kamala Harris will soon slap her aside and then declare, "I sit a queen, and shall know no sorrow."  (Look it up.) 

But the beast has a ravenous appetite and will swallow her also. 

Whoever is installed as the figurehead, the real heads of dominion will be invisible and, therefore, all the more powerful. 

The final backstop to the illegal dictatorship will be we, the people.  How much do we value our freedom?  How much do we love our children?  How afraid are we to seize back what is rightfully ours, given to us by God? 

Time will tell.

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