Andrew Cuomo receives the Ted Kennedy award

Governor Andrew Cuomo, the would-be dictator of New York state, who shut down schools, restaurants, churches, and many businesses,  was awarded and accepted the 2020 Edward M. Kennedy award thusly:

I am honored to receive the 2020 Edward M. Kennedy Institute Award for Inspired Leadership. I learned about humanity, leadership and putting people first from the great Senator Ted Kennedy.

Cuomo is a worthy successor to Teddy the Swimmer, who left Mary Jo Kopechne to die in a submerged car that he drove into a pond.  Teddy, who, according to Cuomo, put people first, put Mary Joe Kopechne second as he swam away to meet with his handlers to lie and spin about leaving Ms. Kopechne to die.

Cuomo placed approximately 6,300 people infected with the China virus in nursing homes, thereby infecting elderly patients.  Over 6,400 residents of the nursing homes died from the China virus.  Cuomo, following the leadership and humanity he learned from Teddy, blamed the deaths on infected health care workers at the nursing homes.

Cuomo further showed his leadership and humanity when he denied that he had ordered the nursing homes to take the infected patients:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that nursing homes "never needed" to accept Covid-positive patients from hospitals in the state due to a shortage of hospital beds.

Cuomo's lie was too much even for CNN, home to his brother Fredo Cuomo, which fact-checked Cuomo's order:

"No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the [nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19," the advisory stated. "[Nursing homes] are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission."

Further evidence that Cuomo deserves the Teddy Kennedy award is that on December 13, Cuomo was accused of sexual harassment by a former staffer, Lindsey Boylan.

After again shutting down New York State, Cuomo is planning a big virtual fundraiser on December 17 with his pals De Niro, Whoopi Goldberg, Henry Winkler, and other washed up Hollywood leftists.

It is difficult to believe that there is a Teddy Kennedy award for inspired leadership, but it's easy to believe that it was given to Cuomo.

Image: NY Metropolitan Transit Authority.

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