Trust is on the ballot this year

There may be many upcoming runoffs in the 2020 election, but perhaps the most significant runoff will be between trust and power — trust in the election process versus control over the American people.

There exist real and legitimate concerns that the 2020 presidential election should be discredited due to massive and systemic fraud.

Uncovering such extensive fraud is not going to be easy, and any fair investigation takes time, but should America quickly select a winner in the interest of time?  It would be like the husband driving his family to their vacation destination.  His wife informs him that he is going in the wrong direction, and he responds, "But we're making great time."

In a world where a rapid change in technology is the new norm, the opportunities for a system to be compromised will continue to exist.

And if there is a level of fraud in the election process that alters the outcome of the results, shouldn't every American want to expose that fraud for the sake of the system's integrity?  Common sense tells us that the obvious answer should be a resounding yes, yet some disagree.

So Americans are now entering another kind of voting phase.  They will be voting for trust in the system or for a person who represents their particular interests.

Is there an easy and sure way to identify those individuals and entities who shout for justice and fairness but only desire power over others?

Under the current conditions of potential voter fraud, every call for a quick resolution or acceptance of a winner exposes the desire for power over truth and trust.

A cornerstone of America's greatness, and why millions of people want to become her citizens, is her long history of a safe transition of power.

America's uniqueness does not rely upon whether or not Joe Biden or Donald Trump is president.  Candidates, presidents, and policies come and go, but trust is a delicate commodity, and once it is broken, it can never return.  What is at stake is so much more than counting up the votes and declaring a winner.  Trust in the process separates the United States from the rest of the world.

If, in the haste to realize a Biden victory, the voter fraud issues are not resolved, 70-plus million Americans who cast their vote for President Trump will believe that they have forever lost their voting rights.  How good can that be for the future of the country?

So regardless of who wins, the focus should be on whether or not the average citizen will ever again believe he has a say in the type of government he wants.

Image: Tom Arthur via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0.

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