The Democrats' no good, terribly bad election

While people have focused most intently on the presidential election, the real story may be all the other elections that took place.  The Democrats took a terrible drubbing.  Moreover, no one has succeeded in explaining how Democrats could simultaneously be destroyed on the down-ballot votes while securing a victory for Joe Biden at the top of the ticket.  That inconsistency seems to be the strongest inferential evidence of fraud you'll find.

Across America, Democrats lost up and down the ballot except, somehow, for all those hundreds of thousands of late-arriving Biden votes.  Here's a rundown of some of the hits the Democrats took.

The Democrats made no headway in statehouses and governors' mansions.  Instead, they lost ground:

Heading into Tuesday, Republicans had full control of 29 state legislatures, compared with 19 for Democrats. The GOP also held 26 governors' offices, while the Democrats had 24.

The GOP governors' count grew by one as Montana voters elected U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte to succeed term-limited Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock. Republicans also appeared to flip control of the New Hampshire House and Senate, according to tracking by the National Conference of State Legislatures and national Republican and Democratic groups.

These GOP victories mean that, once the 2020 census results are out, more than half of American states will conduct redistricting under Republican control.

Nancy Pelosi and the Squad will be facing a cohort of pro-life women in the House.  The eleven pro-life female incumbents won re-election, and thirteen other pro-life women are joining them.  There may ultimately be 33 female Republicans in the House.

Overall, Democrats fared poorly in the House.  Instead of gaining seats, as they had assumed they would, they lost seats.  Republicans gained ten seats, and it's still possible (although not probable) for them to win the majority of seats.  One of the breakouts is Trump's friend Burgess Owens in Utah's 4th Congressional District.

Not only did Sen. Susan Collins win re-election in Maine, but she also did so by a significant margin despite her Democrat opponent having raised more than two times as much money as she did.  Collins's victory came despite polls saying she was sure to lose.  Her win is also part of why the Republicans will hold the Senate, preventing Democrats from imposing their wilder plans such as court-packing and adding two new states.

Perhaps the most delicious thing of all (language warning!) is that Democrats have finally realized that being woke is not a winner — and they're starting to turn on each other in a woke blamefest.  Notably, the Democrats had a contentious two-hour-long caucus call.  The Washington Post's Erica Werner listened in, and these are some of the highlights from her Twitter thread.  The "Spanberger" to whom she refers is Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.).

Ultimately, the Democrats' dismal failure on the down-ballot votes seems to be proof positive that Biden's lead is artificial.

Trump's supporters, the ones who flocked to his rallies, went to the polling places and, I'm dead sure, filled out straight Republican tickets — for the presidency, Congress, and state offices.  These were not split-ticket voters.

The only way to account for the bizarre fact that Trump and a red wave of conservatives won on Election Day, while Biden and that same red wave of conservatives won the day after the election, is to accept that all those day-after Biden votes are fraudulent.  The people committing the fraud don't have time to fill out an entire ballot.  They're just filling in the circle next to Biden's name and letting the rest go.

Thank goodness that Trump is a fighter, because he's got a good fight ahead of him.  And for those who doubted Sen. Lindsey Graham (who also won), he's donating $500,000 from his campaign account to President Trump's legal defense fund.  Here's information if you'd like to donate, too:

Image: Nancy Pelosi looking sad.  YouTube screen grab.

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