Shocker: Biden-voting Missouri county preserves Andrew Jackson statues
In a bit of unexpected good news, the voters of Jackson County, Missouri rejected the appeal of their county executive and sundry other right-thinking people and voted overwhelmingly to keep in place statues of a gallant Andrew Jackson on horseback. The statues grace the county's two courthouses, one in Kansas City, the other in Independence.
Although Joe Biden carried the county with 60 percent of the vote, Andrew Jackson, the putative co-founder of Biden's party, carried it with 72 percent. Given his 47 years as a Democratic office-holder and perennial presidential candidate, Biden may have set the all-time record for attending Jefferson-Jackson dinners, a primary fundraising tool for the party.
In 2015, seven years into the Obama-Biden adventure, it suddenly dawned on Democrats in Iowa and elsewhere that Jackson and Thomas Jefferson, the party's other alleged co-founder, both owned slaves — who knew? — and that Jackson cut the ribbon on the Trail of Tears, the one eminent domain gambit Democrats now take issue with.
"I remain committed in my belief that the statues of a man who owned slaves, caused thousands of Native Americans to die and never stepped foot in our County should be removed from our public facilities," said despondent county executive Frank White, a hugely better second baseman than public official.
To signal their newfound virtue, county officials will attach $4,000's worth of plaque to each statue reminding the citizenry of Jackson's ill deeds, deeds that had, for lo, these many years, escaped the attention of elected Democrats everywhere.
Jack Cashill's new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also