With Trump's COVID diagnosis, leftists are showing their inner ugliness
At 1:00 A.M. on Friday, President Trump notified the world that he and Melania have tested positive for the Wuhan virus. All decent people should hope he recovers quickly because he is a fellow human being and because he is the president of the United States of America. The left, however, has a massive cohort of indecent people. Within minutes of Trump's announcement, leftists, many of whom are clearly Biden-supporters, went on the ugliest Twitter rampage I've ever seen.
Here's President Trump's tweet announcing his diagnosis:
Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2020
Starting within roughly ten minutes of Trump's tweeting his diagnosis, thousands of people responded with a curse in the Amharic language, which they paired with whatever grotesque pictures struck their fancy. You don't have to believe in satanism to recognize that their imagery is satanic.
When run through Google translate, the Amharic curse states:
Your sinful soul is beyond salvation and you do not know peace or pain, only the cold of repentance is over, because your sins are greater than any mission, the end is near, the ships of sin.
In other words, these people wish imminent death on Trump, followed by eternal damnation. It was stunning to see how quickly the word got out to respond using that curse. Here are just a few of the thousands of examples:
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— bababooey (@ClaudioNofrieta) October 2, 2020
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— sokka with his hair down (@tacochelbell1) October 2, 2020
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— HÊëEÊëAÊëRÊëTÊë ÊëAÊëTÊëTÊëAÊëCÊëKÊë ÊëMÊëAÊëNÊë ƒÑòƒÆë (@HeartAttackMane) October 2, 2020
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— Ôïåsabby (@eternalgreys) October 2, 2020
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— Dominik (@Pommesbudenpate) October 2, 2020
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— roach girl slow down (@normanisworld) October 2, 2020
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— user (@usersceptic_) October 2, 2020
Others celebrated the diagnosis in plain English:
just wanted to post a marker to prove to the world that i was here at this beautiful moment ԣÅ
— yungƒôëwalken (@as_a_worker) October 2, 2020
It’s about time ƒÑ░ pic.twitter.com/YzfJdVh7CI
— melonie ƒòÀÔÿé´©Å (@melacrackk) October 2, 2020
— Renegade CowboyƒÉ¥ƒÉ¥ ƒîèÔÜô´©ÅƒîèƒÉ¥ƒÉ¥ (@Rene_gadeCowboy) October 2, 2020
— STASH Ôÿ«´©ÅÔØñ´©ÅƒôÀƒç¿ƒçª (@WEMUSTOKE) October 2, 2020
I wish you all the good will you wished to the Children in Cages.
— Whisper (@XfactsmatterX) October 2, 2020
It's at moments such as these that you really look into the heart of leftism and leftists. An unseemly number of leftists are people who celebrate suffering and death, and who yearn for chaos and destruction. They are sick, ugly people — and they want to control every aspect of your life.
Indeed, the brilliant and witty Kurt Schlichter says maybe this is just another of Trump's 4D chess plays:
I’m not saying that Donald Trump is pretending to have Covid to cause the left to freak out in a frenzy of murder wishes and to wash all the garbage stories off the front page, but I’m not saying I’m not saying that.ƒÅåƒñ┤ƒÅ╗ƒÅå
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) October 2, 2020
If Biden wins, they will end the filibuster; pack the Court, turning it into a Progressive super-legislature; and add D.C. and Puerto Rico as states. Those steps will ensure a permanent Democrat majority, and life forever under the thumb of people who revel in destroying anyone who displeases them.
Pray for President Trump's and Melania's swift recovery. If you're reading this, you're going to do that, not just because you like the Trump presidency, but because you're also a decent human being.
Image: Amharic curse tweet. Twitter screen grab.
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