Project Veritas’s investigation gets closer to Ilhan Omar

One of the things that's most notable about Ilhan Omar is her extraordinary arrogance.  This young woman, whose life America saved and who has risen to the pinnacle of American politics, regularly and smugly lectures Americans on their many moral failings.  While she's familiar with the Koran and Marx, it might have done Omar some good to study the Bible.  There, she would have learned that "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."  Had Omar thought in those terms, she might have refrained from (allegedly) engaging in a massive ballot-harvesting scheme to engineer her rise to power in 2018 and to maintain her power in 2020.

Last week, James O'Keefe, of Project Veritas, released a video introducing Americans to the ballot-harvesting taking place in Minneapolis's Fifth District, which is Rep. Ilhan Omar's political home.  In the first video, we learned that ballot-harvesting is rife in the Fifth District and that both Ilhan Omar and the controlling Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party are in on it.

O'Keefe has released another video, this one even more damning.  This time, the witnesses to whom Project Veritas's undercover reporters spoke were able to gather more evidence about how the scheme operates and more statements showing that Omar is directly complicit in the scheme.

According to Omar Jamal, a Somali man who believes that this fraud must stop if America is to keep from turning into just another failed state, "nobody would say that Ilhan Omar isn't part of this.  Unless you're from a different planet, but if you live in this universe, I think everybody knows it."  Indeed, the point man for the ballot harvesting — which sees both harvesters and voters paid for ballots — is Ali Isse Gainey, a senior staffer for Ilhan Omar.

While the first video focused on paid harvesters going into old age homes to collect blank ballots from the residents, this video focused on something more shocking: Omar's operatives go into the voting booths with the voters and fill out their ballots for them.  They get away with this because the people managing the polling places are part of the scheme:

A Minneapolis ballot harvester was recorded with a hidden camera describing how the operatives make sure the voters vote correctly by walking into the booth with the voter.

"They help us at the voting booth. They allow them to help us," the ballot harvester said. "They go inside with us and help us, and they actually do that inside there."

The ballot harvester said there is no confusion. The operatives doing the voting: "They actually are the ones who vote, people don't usually — they do the voting."

The video also reveals that there truly is no honor among thieves.  Ilhan's opponent in the Democrat primary, Antone Melton-Meaux, apparently was also engaged in ballot-harvesting.  That is, after all, the culture of the Fifth District.  However, an Omar operative proudly boasted that Melton-Meaux's payments couldn't stop an Omar victory in the primary:

"The black guy [Meton-Meaux] has most of the money, but we took the money from him and we voted for Ilhan," said Osman Ali Dahquane, a Minneapolis taxi driver involved in local vote buying schemes.

Some of the money that Omar has paid for votes has found its way to Al-Shabaab, a Mogadishu-based affiliate of al-Qaeda.  It turns out that the harvesters aren't even investing their ill gotten gains in America.  Instead, at least one of them is using the money to set up businesses back in Somalia — and in Somalia, you need to pay protection money to Al-Shabaab.

The whole thing is appalling.  It's also done in the open, yet no one does anything about it.  That the state attorney general, Keith Ellison, does nothing is understandable, because he's a hard-left Muslim who's not going to topple Omar.  However, the federal government has also closed its eyes to these grotesque travesties of the democratic process for electing a representative.

If we're going to let vast swaths of America get away with behaving like criminal enterprises, Americans will no longer bother to vote.  This corruption will join court-packing, adding new states, and all the other leftist activity designed to destroy the American experiment.

Image: Ballot harvesting money goes to Al-Shabaab.  YouTube screen grab.

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