Marching madness

Many things have happened for the first time in the final weeks before the 2020 election. So it is hardly surprising that last weekend, we witnessed the first series of women's marches whose primary purpose was to denigrate a woman.  Its leaders might deny that intent, but the purpose was clear.

The mean-spirited, raucous assemblies that queued up in cities from coast to coast may not have gotten the media play they've enjoyed in the past, because it is, after all, a couple of weeks before an important election, and the news cycle is packed.  But the events made it clear that these "women's marches" were different from earlier ones that had — in part, at least — championed the achievements of women, encouraging them to compete in the pantheons of power once reserved solely for men. 

Last weekend's demonstrations didn't even pretend to underscore the more traditional aims for women, such as equal pay for equal work or granting longer family leave.  Instead, the protests constituted little more than an angry public rant against a particular woman whose only sin is that she is personally pro-life — and against Trump and Pence, though that goes without saying. 

So as expected, pro-life women (and men) who sought to join the marches were vilified by the angry mob.  Despite progressive pretenses to seek "a national conversation," the left is incapable of holding anything but a shouting match with those who dare to disagree with anything they espouse.

This time around, the sometimes salacious slogans and visuals on display were augmented by professionally produced posters reading "Trump-Pence Get Out."  When I first saw their two names on the placards, I mistook those holding them for Republicans.  I'm kidding. 

It seems that whenever progressive groups gather in force, it is not by way of displaying heartfelt support for ideas or candidates, but in angry opposition to them.  No "I Love Yous" for Joe Biden, but plenty of "I Hate Yous" for Donald J. Trump. 

Some of the protesters were dressed as female characters in the novel and subsequent dystopian TV drama The Handmaid's Tale.  Their portrayal would have us suppose that if Trump is re-elected and if Judge Barrett is elevated to the Supreme Court, women will be subjugated, forced into sex in order to repopulate the planet, and separated from their children at will.  Those who believe that are likely the same irrational souls who conversely believe they will find utopia in communism.

The weekend protests against Amy Barrett provided insight into the fact that in terms of promoting any positive messages to women, such marches have become a sham.  Though organizers might persist in self-righteously laying claim to being an influential force on behalf of all females, the reality is that its major pathway to influence and power lies through the passageway out of the womb.

Image: Pxfuel.

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