Is Joe Biden okay with sexualizing children over a 'preference'?

During his town hall, Joe Biden uttered myriad inanities, covering everything from shooting potentially lethal attackers in the leg to raising all the usual hoaxes against Trump (fine people hoax, Russian bounty on U.S. troops hoax, inject bleach hoax).  But mixed in with the stupidity and socialism was something genuinely evil: Biden announced that it was fine for an 8-year-old to decide one day to "change" his sex.  It's not acceptable.  It's a terrible form of child abuse.  People need to stop being politically correct about it and start speaking out.

The question came from Mieke Haeck, who is married to a high-profile Democrat who made a failed run for the Pennsylvania state Senate.  In other words, Haeck has serious Democrat connections.

Haeck was at the town hall with a mission.  She was going to ensure that her son, who believes (or has been taught to believe) he's a girl, isn't the victim of evil Trump discrimination:

"My youngest daughter [sic] is transgender. The Trump administration has attacked the rights of transgender people, banning them from military service, weakening nondiscrimination protections, and even removing the word 'transgender' from some government websites," Haeck began. "How will you as president reverse this dangerous and discriminatory agenda and ensure that the lives and rights of LGBTQ people are protected under U.S. law?"

Biden, who claims to be a Catholic despite supporting abortion (and even the leftist Pope Francis draws the line at abortion), didn't think twice about accepting that an 8-year-old boy can magically transform into a girl.  Instead, he answered without hesitation, "I will flat-out just change the law.  Eliminate those executive orders, number one."

After that firm statement, Biden took a trip to fantasyland, one that saw his father bringing him to the same pool at which Biden stood up to the evil Corn Pop.  (This means that Biden is describing events that allegedly occurred in 1962.)  According to Biden, as he was getting out of the car, he and his father saw two well dressed black men kissing each other, at which point a bewildered Joe turned to his father for guidance.  "Joe, it's simple.  They love each other."

Maybe I'm cynical, but I say that story is a bunch of horse pucky from a man with a reputation for dishonesty.  First, until 1972, homosexual behavior in Delaware was illegal.  Moreover, black communities have historically been hostile to homosexuality — which is why the same blacks who turned out in California to vote for Obama in 2008 also voted "yes" on California's Prop. 8, rejecting redefining marriage in that state.  The chance that, when homosexuality was illegal, and blacks were hostile to it, two well dressed black men would have made out in the street and that Biden's old-fashioned father would have sounded like a 2016 politically correct soy boy are roughly zero.

Having added another bizarre story to his repertoire, Biden turned to Haeck's question:

The idea that an eight-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides you know, 'I decided I want to be transgender. That's what I think I'd like to be. It'd make my life a lot easier.'

Did Biden just say that transgenderism is a preference?  That you can just wake up one morning when most boys are thinking about Spiderman and soccer and decide you're really a girl?

Why, yes, I think he did.  But funnily enough, not a single one of the people who savaged Amy Coney Barrett for referring to "sexual preference" rather than "sexual orientation" had a word to say.

The fact that Biden isn't up to the minute on the in crowd's jargon isn't the real shocker.  What's shocking is that Biden is accepting that transgenderism is real.  It's not.

Excepting someone is part of the minutely small group of people who are born intersex, everyone is either male or female.  Those people who believe themselves to be members of the opposite sex are almost invariably proven to have some form of emotional or sexual trauma (including, I would guess, the trauma of parents who are so politically correct that, when their little boy plays pretend games, they take it seriously).  Treating children as if they are indeed "transgender" makes the trauma worse, not better.  Transgenderism is a scam, and the left knows it.

For Joe Biden to buy into the transgender narrative — and make it part of his personal history — is morally wrong.  He is pushing a dangerous ideology damaging to the boys and girls who are encouraged to embrace a tragic form of mental illness.  It's long past time that Americans reject a scam that constitutes child abuse, and that rejection should start at the top.

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