If they've lost Jake...

Maybe Jake had something to drink this morning, or maybe there are some journalists finally worried about their reputations.  It was interesting to see this on CNN.  Yes, I said CNN:

After ABC chief White House correspondent Jon Karl bucked the narrative on Sunday, CNN's Jake Tapper followed suit and grilled Biden campaign coordinator Kate Bedingfield and shouting: "Of course, voters deserve an answer on his position, on every issue!"

Their State of the Union interview started out pretty favorably for the Biden campaign with Tapper allowing Bedingfield to go off on the Trump campaign over the canceled second debate. But things took a turn when Tapper pressed her on Biden's false claim that President Trump's nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett was unconstitutional.

The Democrats are crazy or think everybody is dumb and dumber.

President Trump is fulfilling his constitutional duty by nominating a candidate to fill the Supreme Court vacancy.  The Biden campaign is going out of its way to avoid answering a question that matters to all.

Thank you, Jake.  We needed someone to ask that question.

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Image: nrkbeta.

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