American politics: The good, the bad, and the ugly

There has never been anything polite or classy about American politics.  As George Washington's term came to an end and the campaign to succeed him got up to speed, it was easily as nasty as what we see today.

The Jefferson vs. Adams campaign was nastier than one might imagine, given the brilliance of both men and their contribution to our founding.  One example: Jefferson's supporters called Adams a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman."  The Adams camp called Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father." 

Fast-forward to Lincoln's re-election campaign of 1864.  His campaign in 1860 was brutal, but by 1864, the Civil War was raging.  The Democratic Party was unified in its opposition to emancipation, but in 1864, it found itself divided between those who favored the continuation of the war and those who sought peace through a negotiated settlement with the South.  The former faction found a candidate in Gen. George B. McClellan, who had led the Union army in 1861–62 but was personally contemptuous of Lincoln.

Sound familiar?  Can we say Mattis?  Self-appointed elitists have believed that their opinions should trump those of the American people for well over a hundred years.  So intent upon preserving the ugly institution of slavery, so viciously opposed to Lincoln...well, we all know how that ended.  And now we see that our own vicious left of 2020 hates President Trump as much as the pro-slavery Democrats of 1860 and 1864 hated Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest American presidents, if not the greatest.

So by enduring the vitriol of the Democrats of today and prevailing, our President Trump is in very good company.

The left today is every bit as beastly as Lincoln's verbal and actual assassins.  They are gleefully celebrating the president's diagnosis with COVID with a host of savage, venomous tweets.  CNN and MSNBC thoroughly disgrace themselves on a daily basis but dug themselves a new hole in response to Trump's diagnosis.  Words cannot describe the Democrats' childish, mendacious merriment at the news.  These are well and truly the worst people in the world.

President Trump has been the best president since Ronald Reagan and he has surpassed even Reagan's successes in this first term.  He has accomplished phenomenal things: he's rebuilt the military, which Obama/Biden had eviscerated; he's built 450 miles of the desperately needed border wall; he cut taxes, brought manufacturing home to the U.S., effectively began prison reform, punished China for its egregious crimes against America (the Wuhan virus may be one of them), permanently funded our black colleges and universities, and managed the pandemic masterfully (he saw the danger before any Democrat) — and he's kept us out of war!

Quite a record of success.  Is this why the Democrats hate him so much?  He's run rings around all previous presidents, especially the Democrat presidents, and they know it.  That is why they feel duty-bound to destroy him.  They have been trying to do exactly that since before he was even elected.  Once elected, they doubled down, likely on Hillary Clinton's direction, with the aid and comfort of John Brennan, James Comey, et al., and the phony Russia hoax.

The Democrat party of today operates like the Mafia; it's a gang of thugs.  It includes the horrifically rude and lying members of the mainstream media.  Nothing proves this more than their euphoria at President Trump's COVID diagnosis.

Even the doctors on MSNBC and CNN are bought-and-paid-for hacks.  Their determination to denigrate hydroxychloroquine because Trump mentioned it early on as a possible treatment very likely caused thousands of deaths; that is how deranged the American left is today.  Their doctors still refuse to admit that it is a viable treatment if administered early.

They are already on screen, trashing the treatment the president is receiving as if they know better.  It is shocking that anyone watches these propaganda outlets because they actually do spew fake news 24/7.  Their viewers are so sadly misinformed, disinformed.  It is an undeniable fact that Joe Biden's career is characterized by a wholesale lack of achievement beyond enriching himself and his family.  He has lied pathologically over and over again, about his college years, the death of his first wife (he says she was killed by a drunk driver, but that is a lie), and more.  He tells tall tales about things he has done that are simply not true and easily proven untrue.  He is the Walter Mitty, or the Zelig, of Congress, but he relished belittling Robert Bork and humiliating Clarence Thomas at their SCOTUS confirmation hearings.  Biden is a very little man, in stature and in spirit, compared to either of those two men.

Despite the unrelenting attacks on him by the left, President Trump has been a truly great president these past nearly four years. Biden was never a great anything; he is the very definition of mediocre. He's handsy, creepy, even with children. And he is corrupt to his core.

That the left is so pathologically determined to destroy this president tells us more about them then about President Trump. And now that President Trump has tested positive for COVID, they are digging themselves into the deepest hole ever, exposing themselves as the malevolent and inhumane people they are. Trump is good (their fear of him proves that), the Democrats are bad, and all those wishing for his death by COVID are stomach-churningly ugly. The American people, even those who identify as Democrats, deserve so much better that what they've got. The Democrat delight across the board at the news of Trump's COVID test, their instant attempts to use it as political fodder (e.g., to delay Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court confirmation, for one, or the specter of the party that wants to control your health care wishing death on a political opponent, or their sudden fascination with the 25th Amendment regarding presidential incapacity), tells us everything we need to know about who and what the modern, radical Democrat party has become.

Yes, they had predecessors in American history but the behavior of those ruthless political ancestors is not what a hundred years more of supposed civilization should have wrought. America will not survive a Biden/Harris administration; they have made their intentions clear – destroy America as founded and remake it as a socialist utopia like Venezuela.

Image credit: Marion Doss via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

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