Biden's decline and the debates

The first debate will be a reckoning for both Joe Biden and the media.  Despite the MSM's "nothing to see here" reporting of the lifeless Biden campaign, the entire country is finally noticing that there is, in fact, something to see, and it's very, very troubling.  While Trump zigzags his way across multiple states per day, his masked competitor is fading faster than the setting sun at equinox.  The Biden campaign has been shutting down completely for days at a time by calling a lid on any activity or interviews, while President Trump's incredible vim and vigor on the campaign trail shines the spotlight on his opponent's apparent decline.  The media, however, can only keep calm and carry on as the alarm bells grow ever louder.

Spectators, especially on the right, will be laser-focused next week on the first presidential debate.  We will be especially fixated on media fairness and impartiality, or the lack thereof.  If Chris Wallace or any of the other moderators think they can get away with double-standard treatment of the opponents (softballs for Biden, hardballs for Trump), they have another thing coming.  We've been witness to debate bias, à la Candy Crowley, and never want to see that again.  The media may think they are helping Biden with their complete and utter lack of transparency as to the gravity of his issues, but any blatant assists to their favored candidate during these debates will backfire spectacularly. 

The media continue to perform a great disservice to the American people and to their own cause — they have downplayed the remarkable decline of a U.S. presidential candidate with claims that there is nothing to see.  The result of their lies and distortions will be an ever growing populace watching ever more closely.

Image: Pixy 

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