Getting stuck with PBS

I got stuck with watching the GOP convention on PBS.  It's a complicated story, but I got to see the first night on an over-the-air signal.

For the record, I did not watch the PBS coverage of the Democrats.  I am not comparing one to the other.  Nevertheless, the GOP coverage was truly pathetic and one-sided.

The Herschel Walker speech got special treatment.  First, we were told his speech would have zero influence over his fellow African-Americans, who are ready to give 90% of their vote to Democrats again.  On the other hand, former senator Jeff Flake's endorsement of Joe Biden was treated as a consequential moment.  Really, Judy?

Second, David Brooks, the "conservative," reminded us that Donald Trump destroyed the USFL.  I was always under the impression that it was a lack of TV viewers that killed the league, but maybe I forgot something.  Apart from that, what does the story of the USFL have to do with Herschel Walker supporting President Trump?  Most of his success came with the NFL anyway.  Seriously, does anyone even remember that he was once a New Jersey General?

Then came Yamiche Alcindor, the PBS White House correspondent.  How can this partisan pretend to be a journalist?

What's wrong?  Well, this is a public network, so a little more consideration should have been given to the 63 million who voted for Donald Trump.  I wonder how many of their tax dollars are paying for this.

Like public education, public radio and TV has never been about serving the public.  It all has become a refuge for political activists who pretend to be journalists or historians.

Here is the good news: I'll have my other TV the rest of the week with access to something more than PBS.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Image: PBS

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