August 1968: Warsaw Pact tanks crush the Prague Spring

The USSR and the Warsaw Pact are now history.  It all collapsed at the end of 1991.

In other words, most young people younger than 35 have no emotional involvement with what we grew up with.  They've probably never heard of the Berlin Wall or the 1956 Hungarian revolution or the atrocities of communism.

Prague is now the capital of the Czech Republic, and Slovakia is another country.  It all seems like a past so long ago.

Some of us are old enough to remember this week the 200,000 Warsaw Pact troops and 5,000 tanks that invaded Czechoslovakia to crush the "Prague Spring."

It was a dark day for freedom.  Like the Hungarians in 1956, the people of Czechoslovakia were given a taste of Soviet "tolerance."  The "Prague Spring" was all about freedom and reforms, but the Kremlin did not accept it and sent the tanks in.

A sad day for those of us who were watching from the West.  We remember today all the people who stood up to Soviet tanks in Prague. 

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Image: Engramma.It.

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