Support police and military for Independence Day!

Across the nation, Americans are anxiously struggling to comprehend the surreal scenes of disruption and disorder in many cities.  Progressives who advocate for "decarceration," and call to defund or eliminate police, are demanding that Americans embark to some Bizarre New World.

No one defends the behavior of the officers who killed George Floyd.  The antidote to corrupt police is honest police, yet recently many officers have been subjected to abusive taunts, threats, and even physical assaults.  This is illogical, even immoral.

In no way condoning police abuse, most Americans wish to recognize the sacrifices and commitment of our state and local police and their families.  Those who stand with integrity for our constitutional principles are the foundation of our free and secure society.  Current violent protests and anarchy only affirm this truth.  It is demoralizing to fault ethical law enforcement officers without cause, let alone to deprive them of appropriate funding for their performance and security.

All who stand for the American commitment as recorded in our founding document, the United States Constitution, merit support and encouragement in this time.  Police, but also veterans, first responders, military personnel, public defenders and prosecutors, judges, and probation officers, are all called upon to recognize the innate value and equality of every person.  That is our creed, and what our teachers are called upon to instill in our children.  It is what all Americans are to embrace if we are to endure.

In this creed we recognize the human imperfections that will always hamper our striving toward the ideal, but still America must aspire toward that "more perfect union."  What is occurring in our nation in 2020 is not moving us toward perfection.  We must reaffirm the principles that guide us in such times, not discard them.

Independence Day celebrates the signing of the United States Constitution.  Let us also celebrate its defenders, especially the devoted police officers, military personnel, and other "public servants" who sincerely undertake their oath to defend and preserve the Constitution and the rights it affords to others.  The shortcomings of errant officers must not be employed to blemish those who serve with honor.  There is no constitutional liberty without their frontline service.

Our existing Constitution envisions a country that is systemically equal and which restricts government intrusion into our lives.  America has no need for bizarre new experiments; it needs only to preserve the United States Constitution and support loyal public servants.

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