Recall Mayor Jenny Durkan — and then de Blasio

This is a bit of good news and a sign that Seattle's voters may be finally coming to their senses.  According to an AP report, a petition to recall the mayor may go forward:

A King County Superior Court judge has approved a petition for an election to recall Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan.

The Seattle Times reports the ruling Friday on charges filed by a group of five people last month comes after weeks of local protests against racism and police brutality — sparked by the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Once any recall petition is approved, signatures are needed to qualify for a special election ballot. The petitioners must, within 180 days, collect valid signatures from a number of voters equal to 25% of the votes cast in the last election. In this case, signatures from more than 50,000 Seattle voters would be needed.

Can they get 50,000 signatures?  The opposition got 91,345 votes in 2017.  So maybe looking for 50,000 signatures will not be so difficult.

Mayor Durkan was totally, completely incompetent.  Her decisions put voters in harm's way and destroyed property.  She should have resigned, but a recall is the next best thing.

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