Puppet Biden promises a command and control economy

The most recent video of Biden struggling to read off a teleprompter indicates that his mental battery, always low, is trending toward a zero percent charge.  This makes him the perfect mouthpiece for the hard leftists who are handling his campaign and who dream of a perfect coming together of government and unions, with private ownership taking its marching orders from them.  Biden's plan is pure fascism, albeit with the lust for world domination.

Before getting to the meat of this post, and while we're on the subject of fascism, it's worth noting that today's Democrat party, like the National Socialists of a country and era I won't mention here, is awash in racial obsessions.  Moreover, it's not just categorizing races for fun and profit.  Its thought leaders engage in virulent race-hatred and stereotyping.

Thus, a Black Lives Matter leader in Toronto posted on Facebook that whites are "genetic defects" and that, ideally, they should be wiped out.  Anti-Semitism is also central to the new Democrat party, whether it's the obeisance to Al Sharpton or the vile statements from pro athletes.  Fascism starts as an economic principle, but once it's achieved control over people, there's no telling where it will go.

But about Biden: First, he's senile.  There's no nice way to say this.  Watch a recent video of him struggling to read a teleprompter, losing his place, then leaning forward to read again, only to lose his place once more:

No wonder Joe Lockhart, who was Bill Clinton's press secretary and now works for CNN, has a proposal: "No tax returns, no debates."

Translated, that proposal means that Lockhart knows Biden is incapable of debating and is putting on the table a hypothetical offer he knows will be refused.

While Biden is incapable of sustained thought, his handlers are putting words in his mouth.  Right now, they're advancing economic policies that are consistent with Bernie Sander's plan for America.  As Don Surber says, "Biden won the nomination, the communists won the party."

Forgetting that funds for corporations (AKA employers and providers of goods and services that improve life) comes from individuals (AKA shareholders) who invest because they hope to make money, Biden has come out strongly against shareholder profits:

It's way past time to put the end to the era of shareholder capitalism. The idea the only responsibility a corporation has is its shareholders — that is simply not true, it's an absolute farce. They have a responsibility to their workers, their community, to their country.

The law already has protections in place for workers.  The marketplace does the rest.

Moreover, before the Democrats used the virus and the protests to destroy the economy, Trump's roaring economy, which he created using tax and regulatory reform, plus pressure on China, had led to such a demand for workers that workers, not corporations, were able to set the terms.

That's how a healthy marketplace works.  For the optimal marketplace and the most robust society, capitalists need to be moral.  If they're not, the government won't make it so.

Speaking of how Trump's tax reform helped create a roaring economy and strengthened employees' abilities to make demands on their employers, Biden is determined to raise those taxes again:

Biden, addressing a small, socially-distant group of workers and journalists at the McGregor Industries metal works facility, said that he would raise the corporate tax rate to 28% (from 21%, where Trump lowered it in the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017).

Biden's teleprompter also touted his "Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan for Working Families."  The document is a masterpiece of fluffy, anodyne phrases about the wonders of Joe's plan.  Stripped of the fluff, here's what it says Biden will do:

  • Follow through on his Wuhan virus plan (a more top-down, expensive version of what's already being done).
  • Hand out more taxpayer funds.
  • Create a Public Health Jobs Corps (presumably more "contact tracers").
  • Send money to unions — he'll "create millions of good-paying union jobs" through spending on manufacturing, through infrastructure plans "to meet the climate crisis," as well as unionizing caregivers and enhancing union organization and collective bargaining.
  • Use taxpayer money to subsidize minorities.  Trump, on the other hand, massively uplifted minorities by letting taxpayers keep their money to create jobs.

If you thought Obama's stagflation was terrible, you can expect that the Biden-caused recession will be infinitely worse.  As a reminder, it takes only ten years of socialism to destroy an economy (see, e.g., Venezuela and Zimbabwe).

Image: YouTube screen grab.

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