First Redskins, and now Rangers

Is anyone surprised?  I had a feeling there'd be a follow-up to renaming the Washington Redskins.

According to global opinions editor Karen Attiah of The Washington Post, the Texas Rangers are racist all the way.

This is the story:

On the heels of the Washington Redskins retiring its name and mascot amid pressure from critics and corporate sponsors, an op-ed written by Attiah made the case that "to know the full history of the Texas Rangers is to understand that the team’s name is not so far off from being called the Texas Klansmen."

Growing up in Dallas, Attiah recalled going to Rangers games with her father as a child, not realizing at the time that the Rangers "were a cruel, racist force when it came to the nonwhites who inhabited the beautiful and untamed Texas territory."

OK.  Why is it always the white guy who destroys the beautiful and untamed territory?

Her article is confirmation that this is a step-by-step destruction of American heritage.  Furthermore, this is not going to stop until a professional team owner hangs up the phone and tells this crowd to go to you know where.

Call your team owner and tell him to stand up to this mob.  It won't end until they get the Yankees and Cowboys, the two premier examples of "white male supremacy" in their eyes.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Image credit: Logo, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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